"What the actual fuck."
July 17
It was a not so glorious Friday evening.
Fridays meant going home for the weekend,and yet it was still as non-glorious as it could be. It was all because of the stupid assignment we were assigned this evening. The assignment wasn't bad, rather, my partner was. I was teamed up with one of the most double faced creatures I had ever met, Mr Mehfooz Suhail . He was the most perfect guy to the others. Cool,handsome,all knowing and always charming. But when it came to me,he was just always touching. He never missed a chance to touch my hands,or put an arm around my shoulder. No matter how many times I tried getting rid of him, he bounced back towards me. It was infuriating. And by the time I had gone to report this to Aysha ma'am, she had already left.Also, if you didn't know,the first day of periods isn't exactly glorious either.
Being a first year student in this large of a campus is quite a task in itself. Seniors are there at every corner waiting to rag the shit out of you. I just wanted to go home. I walked towards the back gate with the hope of avoiding them. As I walked,my hands mindlessly scrolled through Instagram. Reign had put a story. He was my boy best friend here. He was driving some white car and having fun with his Bros out there.
His back profile somehow reminded me of one of my crushes. It was one hell of a crush that lasted for more than I would like to admit. And boy, I'm still not sure if I'm over it.
Suddenly a gang of seniors came out of nowhere.
Well well well, look who's escapade plan didn't work.
A guy in a black shirt approached me.
I was clearly not in the mood for their questioning. So guess what, I made a run for it.I ran past the gates and zoomed off to the left side. And there I saw a white car parked. A man in a grey shirt sat inside. He looked exactly like Reign. Oh my dear Reign,waiting to save me, I thought. I ran as fast as I could with my bags swinging in the air.
" Ahhhh i lub youuuuuuu" I screamed as I opened the door and got in.
Reign turned his head towards me.
What the actual fuck.
It wasn't Reign.
It was Shayan, a most annoyingly handsome human, a friend of my friend's,and a person whom I had met only two times in my whole life and yet I knew a lot about.
also, remember the crush I talked about earlier,umm I don't know how to put this in a less terrifying way but,
this is him.