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"Do you know, I count your heartbeats before you sleep."

"I bite my fingernails to bone, and then I crawl back under the stairwell to a place I call home."

"Well don't you guys look cute together" Jean teases as y/n and Armin make their way back towards the group as they finished their turn getting their face done

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"Well don't you guys look cute together" Jean teases as y/n and Armin make their way back towards the group as they finished their turn getting their face done.

Armin blushes a little at his comment as y/n rolls her eyes "whatever Jean, what are we doing next?" She asks as Mikasa smiles towards her with a nod.

"We could go on a ride? Or take pictures at the photo booths" Reiner says as he cleans off his hands which were sticky due to the cotton candy he stole from Sasha and Connie.

"Let's take photos!" Historia says as she yanks on ymir who only laughs and nods "okay let's do it then, where's the place Reiner?"

"It's not too far from here, let's go before it gets packed" he says as he begins to walk towards the place as everyone follows behind him.

Y/n takes out another cigarette and lights it as they all walk towards the booth which goes noticed by bertholdt "are you smoking again? It's like the second time" he says with concern.

Y/n smiles "it just helps calms my nerves, I'll be fine" she says as she continues to take a drag from the now lit up cigarette as Armin watches from his side view, admiring as her lips blow out the smoke.

"You should really quit, you could end up dead" Mikasa states as they get closer towards the booth.

"It's not like I'm the only one who smokes, Armin and Connie do too" she jokes as Armin perks at his name being mentioned "o-oh I don't smoke so often, only when I need too" he says as he rubs his neck.

"See, he's responsible, you should try too smoke else and else" Mikasa says as she leans on one of the rails as they wait for Ymir and Historia to finish.

Y/n sighs "I guess" she says as she tries to ignore her emotions, feeling like she disappointed Mikasa which goes noticed by Armin making him slightly annoyed with Mikasa's persistence.

"Let's not ruin the night guys" Eren says as he watches the two while getting more nervous by the second.

"You're right."


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