Chapter 1

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"...With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite, how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."

looking up to the stars, I finished singing. I slowly rocked back and forth on my swing, still staring at the night sky.

I bet you're wondering, who am I? Well, I'll tell you, cause I'm just that nice. My name's Astrid and I'm a 17 year old girl.

How I got to my swing, I have no idea. I just magically happened to be here. I don't even remember going outside or anything at all.

I guess I can tell you a little but more about myself. I have a blue and a green eye, blonde hair, and a very curious mind.

I look fabulous by the way. I have an amazing husky named Knight, which I forgot to mention is right next to me.

Now, going higher on the swing, I hear something. It sounds like a wheezing, groaning sound of a machine.

Jumping from the swing, I ran to the noise with Knight following me. The farther I ran into the woods, the louder the noise got. But I can't find what's making it.

Knight, just knowing what I'm looking for tried to help me out, but not even he could find it. We looked everywhere for that noise; but, instead of finding a machine, I found a door on a tree.

The door was a white door that on the edge was glowing all the different colors of the rainbow. The door was like putting me in a weird trance.

"The door... It's telling me to go in. I'm... I'm going in."

I reached for the door and opened it. Knight growled but I paid no attention to him.

Right as I walk in, I hear a faint voice screaming. But the trance wouldn't let me comprehend what the voice is screaming. "Don't... In!" I heard. As I fully entered through the door, "Noooo!" Echoed behind me.

The door shut on my dresses ribon. I heard the scream once more before getting hit on the head, knocking me out.

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