Chapter 3165

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Feng Wu didn't know Yan Han was talking behind her back, nor did she know Yang Zhihu had defended her. Right now, she was sitting on the stairs with her chin in her hands, deep in thought. She had a lot to do. She did some calculations and realized that the second Immortal Spiritual Fruit would ripen in six days. She had to get that fruit because she owed it to Bao Er. After what happened last time, Sakiya would only guard the fruit more closely. The task would be very hard. 

There were also the Twelve Trials of Love. She was stuck on the eleventh trial. Zuo Qingluan was the main reason. Feng Wu couldn't understand why that woman was so stubborn. She simply wouldn't admit that Jun Linyuan was in love with Feng Wu. She and Jun Linyuan might need to play the loving couple in front of Zuo Qingluan to force the latter to face reality. She had to complete the eleventh trial. If Zuo Qingluan disappeared, Feng Wu would be stuck here.

If that happened, she didn't know when her beautiful master would wake up. She had to hurry up. However, Jun Linyuan was cultivating his mysterious bloodline. Feng Wu wondered if he had finished. She immediately took action and went to Jun Linyuan's place.

But... He hadn't! Feng was guarding the door. The last time he was away, Jun Linyuan was injured. Because of that, he wouldn't leave Jun Linyuan's side after he came back. Feng gestured at Feng Wu, asking her to be quiet.

"Still nothing?"

Feng solemnly shook his head. 

The last time they met, Feng Wu had been in the Dayless Woods, and in the middle of a breakthrough. "Will the all-purpose transformation liquid help Jun Linyuan?" Feng Wu asked curiously.

Feng thought about it and shook his head. "Spiritual Saints don't really need it."

Feng Wu nodded in disappointment. She wanted to ask some questions, but kept her silence when she saw how cautious Feng was.

"I'll come back in a few days." Feng Wu said goodbye to Feng. Without Jun Linyuan, she couldn't work on the eleventh trial or the second Immortal Spiritual Fruit. That could be a little troublesome.

Feng Wu thought about the all-purpose transformation liquid. She was the one to discover that liquid; the last thing she wanted was to let the Military Academy take it away. At first, she didn't think it would happen, but Elder Helian was such an honest and upright person that she didn't have any confidence in him.

Feng Wu immediately went to see Elder Helian, and she actually found him. Feng Wu had visited Elder Helian quite often, so his servant didn't stop her. She entered the room to find the mood inside rather awkward.

Elder Helian sat in the host seat, and fifteen Spiritual Overlords sat around an oval table.

They seemed to be arguing about something.

Feng Wu heard Elder Wu protest. "No! No way! Feng Wu found the all-purpose transformation liquid. Why should we give half of it to the Military Academy? They've never shared their mines with us!"

What? The Military Academy wanted half of the all-purpose transformation liquid?! Feng Wu didn't like the sound of that at all.

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