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Elijah shrugged softly, staring out of the window and not turning to face his siblings. "I told her that I love her, she asked why, I told her and she said needed some space. Then she packed a bag and left."

His siblings looked at him sympathetically. Kol huffed, moving from where he was stood and hitting his brother on the shoulder. "Come on then, we're going doppelgänger hunting!"

Elijah shook his head instantly and turned to his brother. "No. I'm done with her pushing me away, if she wants to see me then she can come and find me herself. I told her as much yesterday."

With that, Elijah left the room and went back upstairs, leaving his siblings in a stunned silence behind him.


"Because I'm going insane. I see something that makes me laugh and I turn to tell him, only he's not there. I can't stop thinking about him…his smile; how his eyes glint happily when I fight with his siblings…" Elena smiled to herself, trailing off as she thought about him.

She didn't miss the blond bartender's small smirk and looked up at her. Camille shook her head softly and grinned at the girl in front of her.

"Girl, you totally love him."

Elena looked at Camille in a shocked silence for a moment as she thought about it, before smiling to herself and nodding softly.

"Yeah…I really do…"


Elena sighed as she threw her bag into the car. After coming to her realisation the night before, she'd spent another hour and a half in the bar, talking to Cami (as the blond had insisted Elena call her) when she was given the chance.

When she left the bar, she had driven straight back to the hotel that she had been staying at for the few days she'd been away from Elijah. She'd packed her bag and had fingered her phone for a few moments as she debated whether or not to call the Original and let him know that she was on her way back. After a moment, she'd decided against it and had slipped her phone back in her pocket.

Elena slid into the driver's seat of her borrowed car (not that she'd actually asked Elijah) and turned on the ignition. She sighed and drove away from the hotel. Her phone rang as she was driving and she glanced at the caller ID, hoping it was Elijah – even though she knew it wouldn't be.

It was Caroline and Elena sighed, debating for a moment before letting her phone ring off to voicemail. Damon called a moment later, followed by Stefan when Elena didn't answer. After another few calls, Elena turned off her phone, irritated by the fact that they wouldn't stop calling her when she was clearly ignoring them all.

Despite the fact that she was choosing to go and see Elijah, she found herself driving as slow as possible to put off their conversation. Turning a ten minute drive into twenty.

When she got to his house, his car was gone and she sighed. Of course, he had to have gone out the one time she decided to go back. Elena decided to wait outside for him to get back, figuring that breaking into his house wouldn't get them off to the best of starts.

It was only six minutes (of course she wasn't counting!) later that his car turned onto the driveway. The vehicle slowed – obviously he'd noticed the car – before going back to the same pace that it had been moving at before and parking beside Elena.

Elijah got out of his car and glanced at Elena before going round to the trunk and taking out a bag – Elijah had been shopping? He looked back at Elena as he passed her car and tilted his head slightly as he entered the house, leaving the door open in a clear gesture for her to follow.

 Doppelganger and ElijahWhere stories live. Discover now