Chapter 16 Part 1

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Ugh school,the one place where I wanna run home to my mom the minute I see people in the classroom.

I walk in smelling the familiar scent of sadness..ok maybe I'm being over dramatic but wouldn't you be crying on the first day? My locker looked normal,just the way I left it before summer break..but there was something different about it on the inside. It smelled of perfume and flowers. I found a note that said "Open Me".

"Heyyy guess who it is!!" Wow I already had an idea of who it could be. "Aren't you excited for the first day back because I'm not haha,but at least I get to be with you which is like the best part!! Anyways come to my locker so I can see your schedule..just wanna look to know..make sure I'm not alone lol..byeee" -Y/N

I couldn't help but smile at the note,y/n is just so adorable it kills me. I was making my way to her locker until the school slu- I mean cheerleader came up to me.

"Heyyy Brent" Taylor said while twirling her hair. You know it's funny,it's only cute when y/n does it.

"What do you want bimbo" I said with annoyance.

"You of course,I mean you're soo sexy and soo hot and soo-"

"My boyfriend" Y/N said cutting Taylor off. Oh man,she did not look happy..I found it very attractive haha.

"Oh I'm sorry,and who are you?" Taylor said facing y/ mindful that I am in between the two.

"Haha well I'm the quiet girl,you know the one that never speaks in class or anything? Well guess what I'm speaking now,stay away from my boyfriend or you'll regret it" Y/N said with anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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