❝Life Update❞

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Okay so this happened to me quite awhile ago..

Now I went to a close friend of mines birthday party. It was just a little picnic themed type thing..

Some of our other friends came and then her friends and cousins. Now let me tell y'all something, she has this cousin I've kinda been crushing on since the tenth grade when he came to our schools end of the year party.

Now we're in this place just chilling and she walks up to me and asks me if I like her cousin.

And I'm like "wHAt?"

And she's like "be for real it's kinda obvious" and I'm like "okay ya yeah I do."

And then she goes "Okay I'm gonna go tell him."

Like who asked you?

"No don't do that!"

And she's like "don't worry he's nice, I'll even give him your number." And then she's runs away.

Fast forward → the party is finally over now. Her cousin volunteers to take us all out shopping and to get food.

He was literally the only guy there in a midst of teenage girls 😂 but that's not the point.

While we're just chilling—he went to get our food— my friend smiles at me and goes "Oh I told him you liked him. He just smiled and asked for your number. He thinks your cute."

And I'm like 'hmmmm?'

And truth be told he did text me later that evening..

P.s I don't really like him all that much anymore. It's been awhile and I kinda just friend zoned him.

He's cute and nice and all but 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not really feeling it anymore.


Anyways thanks 4 listening to my boring ass life story also my book rocket also go check out my books 💕😘

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