Chapter Four

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ALEX'S EXHAUSTION WAS bone-deep, weighing on her like a lead blanket. She was finally relieved to have a chance to just relax and get some sleep.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep on an actual mattress? I'm pretty sure that would be far more comfortable than my floor," Derek held the blankets out with a steady hand, his expression calm and reassuring.

"I'm okay. I'm sure it gets lonely here anyway. You don't mind... Do you?"

Alex noticed that things had changed in this reality. In her reality, Alex was always the quiet and nervous one, hesitant to open up to others. But here? She felt a new sense of confidence, something she had never felt before.

"No, I don't." Derek felt a mix of emotions as he watched Alex settle in. On one hand, he was glad to have the company. But, it was certainly strange.

"Cool. I'm just gonna set up my little sleeping corner I guess," Alex let out a soft laugh as she collapsed onto the tattered blankets. After weeks of sleeping at the Hale house, it almost felt like home. But Scott's offer of his place was a welcome change of scenery. She nestled into the worn fabric, enjoying the coziness and the familiarity of the makeshift bed.

"Right. Good night," Derek walks up to his bedroom. Or what Alex assumes used to be his bedroom.


The following morning, Alex was up bright and early, immediately checking the group chat they had created for any news, but nothing had been said.

Their plan was a little tricky. But, she didn't want to lose any hope.

"What if we did something like a reverse thing? However she got into Beacon Hills is also how she got out of Beacon Hills..." Scott suggests halfheartedly, he was still unsure about the whole situation and how it happened in the first place. Sure, they have werewolves, and other monstrous beasts, but this is something completely new and unique.

"Honestly? That could work. But, is Wolf Teen, whatever the hell it's called even a thing in our world?" Stiles asks.

"It's Teen Wolf, actually. And, probably not," Alex lets out a sigh, and Scott looks over at her sympathetically. He felt awful that she was even put in here. She could have watched any TV show to fall asleep to, and she picks Teen Wolf? That's a world that Scott wants no one to magically get into. Especially one who has never dealt with the supernatural.

"Well, what are we going to do then? She can't just stay here forever, you know? She's got a family to get back to."

Alex thinks about her family a lot since she's been here. Her brother, Caleb, and her Mom, Tiffany. She wonders if she's still even alive there, or if this is all some dream she's having, and she's actually still asleep in her bed. That was her initial thought, but as time moved on, she started to realize that this was completely real. She had landed herself in her favorite show, and she didn't know how to go back home.

"Maybe we could still find a show she can watch at your place, Scott, and see if it still works the same?" Stiles proposes.

"Well we could, but what happens when she watches the show and lands in that one? Then she's stuck in another world."

"Then...we'd be screwed."

Alex really didn't want to be stuck in another world, all she wanted to do was go back home. But, at the same time she would love to live in Beacon Hills for just a little longer...

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