The Aftermath (Part 2)

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The next morning we went to the pack house to bury the pack members we lost. The packs that had come to help us had already began to leave. Harrison's pack was the only ones that remained. He wanted to be here to to honour the warriors we had lost. Blaine and the rest of the members decided to stay with us. Xavier made them permanent members and now this was there forever home. I can imagine that Sophie would have wanted it this way.

The men of the pack carried the caskets to the burial site, as Xavier and I were at the front leading the way.

We arrived at the burial site and Xavier took the stand.

"It is with a heavy heart that we have to say goodbye to the 12 brave and strong warriors who lost their lives. They were fighting for their families, their home and their pack. They were truly great members of the pack and they will be truly missed. I would like to send my condolences to the family and friends who have lost someone they love. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask. They did us proud and their bravery will not be forgotten. They will forever be in our hearts."

When Xavier finished, the 12 caskets were lowered into the ground. They were covered in flowers, even some notes that some of the pack members had written before they were covered up.

We walked back to the pack house with heavy hearts. It really shouldn't have come down to this at all. Lives lost all because Stephen wanted revenge. As I walked into the house, the pictures of the members that had passed away were all placed in the living room for all of us to see. I approached each one and bowed my head to them. May their souls forever rest in peace. Two pictures that I lingered round the most was Tiffany's and Sophie's. Tiffany may have been a lot of things and she may have done a lot of bad things but she didn't deserved what happened to her. In her last few moments there was some good in her heart even if it was hard to see. The last picture was Sophie, oh Sophie. I know I only knew you for a brief time but I am truly grateful for the time we had. You were smart and courageous. I will never forget what you did for me.

I headed to the garden were beverages and food was set out.

I noticed that all the members that had go to stay at other packs were now home. Mates and families had now been reunited. It was nice to see.

Charlotte ran over to me and gave me a massive hug.

"Lucas told me what you did. Thank you for saving his life." She cried.

"You don't need to thank me Charlotte."

"No Ariana. We do. I wouldn't have made it if you hadn't have stepped in when you did. You are the reason I am still here and why I will be able to see my daughter grow up. I owe you my life" Lucas said as he gave me a hug.

"Lucas, you don't owe me anything. I am just happy you are well and safe." I smiled.

He smiled

"Anything you need. Please do not hestitate to ask me."

"I'll keep that in mind."

They walked off and I went to go get myself a drink.

As if reading my mind, Xavier was waiting for me in the kitchen holding a cup for me in his had.

"I thought you would have need one of these."

"Thank you."

We conversed for a while and spoke to some of the members of the pack. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Harrison, it is good to see you." I said.

"You too Ariana. I see you are well."

"I am good. Healing has worked a treat." I laughed.

He laughed.

"How are you doing man?" Xavier asked.

"I am good, thank you. The reason why I came over was to thank you both actually. Xavier you saved my life, if it wasn't for you Stephen would have killed me. I just let anger cloud my mind, I wasn't thinking clearly and it nearly got me killed. Thank you for helping me see sense."

"It was nothing. You would have done the same for me if the shoe was on the other foot."

"And Ari. I wanted to thank you for doing something I couldn't do. I know it must have been a lot and you yourself almost died but thank you. Thanks to you and your courage, Stephen is dead. My sister finally has justice and now I can finally start to heal and grieve for her properly. Even though we will never truly know where she buried, I take comfort in knowing she is in peace." He cried.

I hugged him. He was broken but maybe now he can finally find acceptance and start to heal.

Harrison said his goodbyes and he and the rest of his pack left and headed home. I wish him and his family all the best.

The gathering carried on. We all went outside and some spoke on memories on those who had lost their lives both happy and sad. The pack felt more united than it ever did, even in grief.

As the night drew to a close, and the pack members started to go home or head to their rooms. Xavier and I stayed back to help tidy up. The twins had fell asleep on the sofa and Xavier I joined them.

"What a day, huh." Xavier said.

"Yeah it was a heavy one. I have to admit."

"Definitely." He sighed.

"I glad this nightmare was over and we don't need to worry about anyone else getting hurt." I said as I snuggled into to him.

"You can say that again."

We picked up the kids and cuddled up to them.

My perfect little family. We were all safe and we were finally going to be okay.

I could finally relax and put my mind to rest for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Everything was going to be alright again.

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