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The group found themselves in India, and despite Avdol's reassurances, they discovered that some of their preconceptions about the country were indeed true. As they roamed the streets, they encountered the sacred cows freely wandering, leading to comical mishaps like stepping in cow turd or taxi stops due to napping cows in the middle of the road. Avdol, however, tried to uplift their spirits by emphasizing the beauty of India once they got used to its unique aspects.

After finally escaping from a bustling crowd, Evelyn took a moment to catch her breath and handed Kakyoin his lost wallet. She had managed to retrieve it before a thief could get away with it. Gratefully, Kakyoin accepted the wallet and thanked Evelyn.

In a restaurant, the crusaders ordered drinks and observed the menu while Polnareff excused himself to the bathroom. Trusting Evelyn's nature, he asked her to order something for him.

Just as the food arrived at their table, Polnareff suddenly burst out of the bathroom in distress. "Stand! Where's the user?! Who is it?!" Polnareff looked distressed and burst out of the restaurant. Confused, the crusaders followed him outside.

Polnareff's hands form into tight fists. "He is finally here. Jotaro, the stand user you heard about. The one that uses mirrors is here! The bastard that killed my little sister!" He exclaimed. "Mr. Joestar, I'll be traveling on my own here." He said, vengeance driving him.

The group tried to convince the frenchman to think about what he's about to do, but it all fell on deaf ears. Avdol would not let that slide, not now.

"You'll go out for wool, only to come home shorn," Avdol warned him. A heated argument ensued, attracting a crowd around them. Polnareff even taunted Avdol about his past encounter with DIO, which infuriated Avdol.

Just before the situation escalated further, Joseph intervened, preventing Avdol from striking Polnareff. Despite their efforts, they couldn't convince Polnareff to reconsider, so he left on his own, leaving the rest of the group to return to the restaurant in a bad mood.

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After Avdol had left to search for Polnareff, the group had dispersed, each member heading in a different direction in their search for the men. Among them, Evelyn darted through the area with a sense of urgency, calling out their names in hopes of a response.

Her attention was suddenly drawn to a man shouting in the distance, claiming there was a strange fight going on. Evelyn immediately followed the man, and he led her to where her companions were. To her shock and dismay, she found Avdol lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, with Kakyoin kneeling beside him. Rushing over, she knelt down next to Kakyoin, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. Kakyoin shook his head sorrowfully, conveying the devastating news that Avdol had passed away.

Tears streamed down Evelyn's cheeks as grief and anger surged within her. Though she hadn't known Avdol for an extended period, he had managed to carve a special place in her heart. With a fierce determination, she directed a glare at the man holding a pistol. Standing up, she summoned her Stand, prepared to confront him in battle. The sorrow of losing her friend fueled her to seek justice for Avdol.

"Hee?" The man taunted her, "There is the young lady I was instructed to capture! Evelyn, right?" He smiled at her with a mocking face.

"I'd like to see you try," Evelyn retorted with confidence. The man responded by firing a bullet directly at Evelyn, but at the last moment, the bullet changed it's path, heading straight for Polnareff. Reacting swiftly, Evelyn's quick thinking saved her companion as she summoned a liquid barrier to shield Polnareff from the impending danger.

"Huhh? You really are that good! Isn't she, J. Geil?" The man said. "By the way, the name's Hol Horse, my lady." He bowed in a flirty manner, which Evelyn couldn't help but be disgusted at.

In a tense moment, Kakyoin rushed towards them in a car. As Evelyn reached out to grab his hand, but Hol Horse fired a bullet their way, narrowly missing them by mere millimeters. Fear flickered in Kakyoin's eyes, but Evelyn calmly nodded at him to go, assuring him that she could handle the situation.

With a nod of understanding, Kakyoin trusted Evelyn's judgment and drove away, leaving her to face the man alone. Hol Horse was the first to make a move. He fired a series of bullets from his gun, each one expertly aimed at Evelyn, which she ended up evading.

Hol Horse laughed arrogantly, believing his bullets would find their mark eventually. He underestimated Evelyn's powers, though. With a burst of energy, her Stand attacked, launching some sharp liquid bullets back at Hol Horse. He deftly dodged some, but a few managed to graze his arm, leaving a trail of minor injuries.

The man, yet again fired some bullets her way. Evelyn's Stand, Reflections already brought out her shield, but at the last second the bullets changed direction and went for her already injured right side. Sure enough, the bullet found it's target. Evelyn gritted her teeth in pain as the bullet pierced through her side. She staggered back, clutching her side.

Hol Horse, noticing his advantage, continued to fire calculated shots at Evelyn, forcing her to defend herself with her Stand, Reflections. However, each bullet seemed to change directions at the last second, making it difficult for her to predict their path.

Now back on more equal footing, Evelyn gathered her strength to attack back. She manipulated the water around her to create fog, confusing Hol Horse and disarming him, since he couldn't exactly use his Stand while he doesn't see his opponent.

Summoning a powerful jet of water, Evelyn propelled herself toward Hol Horse with unexpected speed. He barely had time to react as a kick to his abdomen sent him flying backward.

Finally, Kakyoin and Polnareff appeared at the scene, ready to help their female companion. Hol Horse taunted them, while calling out to J. Geil.

"Right, J. Geil?" He asked smugly. When there was no answer, Polnareff stepped forward. "I don't think he's listening anymore. He's rather busy right now...Since he's being sentenced in Hell!" Polnareff stated confidently. Of course, Hol Horse didn't believe him, and laughed at his 'bad joke'.

"That piece of shit's body is about two or three thousand meters that way." He pointed behind them. "Want to take a look?"

Hol Horse's eyes widened, "Okay, I will!" He said, as he ran the opposite direction. The three crusaders ran after him, and just before they lost sight of the man, a fist collided with his face.

"Mr. Joestar, Jotaro!" They exclaimed.

"We already know about Avdol," Joseph stated gravely, "Though it was a simple funeral, his body's been buried."

"The one who stabbed Mr. Avdol was the man with two right hands." Kakyoin stated, "but the cause of death was this man's bullet. What shall we do with him?"

"I'll give him his sentence," Evelyn declared, stepping forward with determination. However, before she could summon her Stand, a girl around her age lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. "Please run, Hol Horse!" the woman pleaded with him, and Hol Horse gladly took the opportunity, quickly mounting a horse to escape.

"Oh no you don't." Refusing to let him slip away, Evelyn's eyes locked on Hol Horse. Determination burned within her as she called her Stand, and shot a precise slice of water in the man's direction.

Luckily for Hol Horse, and much to the young woman's dismay, the shot barely scratched his arm (which by the way resulted in a surprised yelp from the cowboy), and managed to maintain his grip on the horse and continued his escape.

Joseph approached the girl who had taken down Evelyn and tended to her injured arm, bandaging it with care. Unbeknownst to him, a droplet of the girl's blood splashed onto his right arm.

The crusaders turned to depart, leaving the young girl on the ground. Little did they realize that she would become the next Stand user one of them would have to face.

1387 words

Well that wasn't a very interesting chapter 🥲 Bear with me I swear I'll get better in writing fights

Till next time,


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