4. leon/carlos

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i woke up the next morning without chloe next to me. she didn't have any meetings or appointments to attend today. i try calling her. i get no response shit. i walk to ashleys room, and no one is there. 'Shit shit CHLOE!' I run around the White House trying to find chloe.
I walked back into her bedroom.the window wasn't open last night, and she didn't open it when we went to sleep.
'Chloe?' No reaction. I ran to the security room. 'Hey, ethan, can you find footage of last night?' 'Mr kennedy, what's wrong?' Ethan asks. 'I think chloe got kidnapped,' I say as I sit down. 'What?' 'Just search the footage of last night between 1 and 9 am'
'Okay,' ethan pulls up the footage. No sign of chloe. 'Outside cameras?' And there she is. She's getting dragged outside by a man in a full black overall. 'Shit' I look at the time of the kidnapping. 5 am. 'Thank you,' I thank ethan before walking to the presidents room. 'Mr? Can I talk to you?'  'Yes, sure, what's wrong?' I sit down. 'It's about Chloe - she got kidnapped'

I explain everything I know, leaving out the private part. The president sends out the Fbi to find her. There is nothing I can do at the moment. 'God, where is she?' I walk around my bedroom. I care about chloe, she's the best thing that happened to me after ada. I like her not as friends I want to be with her I want her.


'Well well well' I walk around the person in the chair 'chloe graham nice seeing you again' 'What do you want carlos?' She spits out. 'You I want you,' I smirk as I lean in closer. 'No, you can't have me.' chloe turns her head to the side.
'Aww, worried that you're cute little bodyguard or should I say boyfriend'
'He's not my boyfriend,' chloe replies. 'Chloe, don't play the innocent here. I know about you and leon.' I tilt her head so she's facing me.
'Do as I say and I might let you go, but first there is someone who would like to meet you'
A woman walks in. 'Ada, it's nice seeing you.'tI smirk as I look at ada before looking back at chloe
'Ada fucking wong' chloe says as she looks at ada. 'hows leon?' ada asks as she sits on the chair infront of chloe. 'hes doing good' 

'so why am i here?' Chloe asks, i look at her 'what do you think, youre the presidents daughter and i want money' i smirk leaning in leaving a space between our faces 'so you either shut up or ill make you shut up' i take the tape out of my pocket. i hear a knock on the door, shit. i walk up the stairs and open the door. 'hello sir anything wrong?' i ask to the officer. ' youre under arrest of kidnapping the presidents daughter.' he says 'search his house top to bottom' 'i have nothing to hide officer' i lie 'the location of her phone lead to here' he says as he looks at me with a suspisuis look on his face. shit ofcourse her phone. 'SIR WE FOUND HER AND SOMEONE ELSE' a cop says. 'arrest him' the officer says. 


i jump out of the van as i hear the news. i run down the stairs to chloe. 'chloe' i almost tear up as i hug her. 'are you hurt?' i asks softly. she shakes her hear. 'good' i say softly as i look at the other woman. ada wong.. 'ada' i break the hug with chloe. 'ada what the fuck are you doing here' my voice goes cold. 'i swear to god of youre involved in this shit then' 'then what finish your senteces leon' 'did she hurt you chlo?' i asks chloe. 'no she didnt.' someone else walks in. 'leon are you coming?'the man asks. i watch chloes face turn into horror.
'Yes we're coming' 'why is he here' chloe asks, 'who chris?' chloe nods. 'hes always here with these kind of things, but whats wrong chloe?' i look at her as she stands up. 'ill tell you when were home' chloe says. i nod as an understanding. i give one last look at ada before i walk away with chloe. 

we arrive home, chloe catches up with her dad and her sister wich gives me plenty of free time to find out what the thing is between chris and chloe. i open my laptop and google their names. i read and read until chloe walks into the room. 'hey chlo' i love the nickname i gave her. 'im sorry about that whole thing with chris. hes my ex and well we broke up and he kept stalking me and then we got back togheter and broke uo again. i lived like that for 5 years. after our last break up my dad forbid chris to search contact with me' i listen to the story chloe tells me. 'god im so sorry' i say softly as i hug her. 'ssh youre safe now with me' i kiss her temple. 'chloe i really like you' i confess. 'i do too leon but you know' 'then lets keep it a secret' i say as i look at her. 'chloe do you want to be mine, do you want to be my girlfriend?' i smile.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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