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[I decided to revamp this from a Youkai Watch Jam story to a Gomu Gomu no Mi/Hito Hito no mi Model Nika story because I couldn't really think of plot bunny ideas ones for the Jam story but my mind kept thinking about Gear Fifth vs Shem-Ha [Avatar of a God vs Possessed by a Goddess]

Name: Niko

Age: 16



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[Outfit] - (Minus Strawhat)

[Outfit] - (Minus Strawhat)

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Likes: Jokes, Friends, Symphogears, Food

Dislikes: Those who hurt his frinds


Gomu Gomu no Mi

Gomu Gomu no Mi

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Armament Haki

Observation Haki

Conquerors  Haki


Gear Second

Gear Third

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