f o u r t e e n

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The wedding day, let's just say that I am no longer looking forward to my big day. I don't think I am going to be known as one of those lovely brides who are that kind of calm that just scares people. No, I will be known as that bride that is absolutely crazy and no one will want to be around. 

Amanda of course is the calm kind, she is just walking around the house like nothing is wrong. Dylan is completely confused since he and his father made a bet on what type of bride she was going to be. Dylan lost, he has been sulking around the house for the past hour and a half about how the fact he had to pay his dad 30 bucks because he couldn't judge his sister well enough. 

" Don't be a sulk." I said to Dylan, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"I'm not being a sulk." 

"You are, you keep walking around like you have just lost your kidney." 

"I might have!" He defended, looking down at me. "I could of brought you food, with that money. You know that right?" 

"I'm not hungry though?" 

"You should be, you eat less then a fucking mice." 

"I eat healthy!" I said to him, hitting him slightly on the back. "Incase you forgot I am a cheerleader." 

"I didn't forget, believe me I think about you a lot in that little outfit." He smirked. "You should wear it more often." 

"Dylan!" I exclaimed, pulling my hands back so they were at my sides. 

"What?" He chuckled. 

"It's your sister's wedding day." I replied. "You can't think about me like that." 

"I don't just think about you like that." He replied, meeting my gaze. "I think about you naked as well." 

"I'm going to go and see if I can help, your annoyingly calm sister." 

"Have fun with that, I'm going to go and try and find a source of alcohol." 

"It's 10 o'clock?"

"It's 5pm somewhere right?" 

He was soon out of my sight, leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway. 

"Alex?" Hayley  asks.


"Mum wanted me to tell you and Dylan that it's time to get ready."


"Yeah, Amanda is apparently loosing her mind since she wants to make sure everyone is ready before she puts on her dress or something." 

I couldn't help but laugh, "Ok I'll go and get Dylan and tell him to go get dressed." 

"Thanks." She replied, running down the hallway. 

I walked into the kitchen to find Dylan sitting on the kitchen bench talking to Jed, from what I could tell it was a serious talk so I just waited by the door not wanting to interrupt. I couldn't help but over hear their conversation. 

"Jed, you know I want to come home more." Dylan sighed. "But I can only come home when I have time off school, I'm sorry bud." 

"I just miss how it used to be. You're not here to scare all the jerks away, or to help me practise for football." 

Jed's reply made Dylan's back tense and eyes wide. 

"Jed, if someone is giving you a hard time you have to tell me."

"Why bother? There is nothing you can doing anyway." 

"No, there is something I can." Dylan replied, beginning to look like he was becoming angry. "I'd drive up in here if you absolutely needed me." 

"I needed you when I got into that fight." Jed snapped.

"Jed." Dylan sighed. "You're eleven years old, you barely got touched."

"Don't worry about just go and have fun with your girlfriend." Jed said, pointing towards me. 

"Jed, come on man." Dylan repled, as Jed made his way put of the room. 

"Is everything ok." I asked, making my way closer to him. 

"Everything is amazing." Dylan sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm a shit brother." 

"You're not a shit brother." 

"I am! Did you see the way he looked at me?" 

"He is just upset." I replied, rubbing my hands down his back. "That's all." 

"Yeah, anyway what did you need?" 

"Oh, um your sister wants us to get ready." 


"Yes." I replied, letting out a small chuckle. "She is about to go all crazy bride on our arses."

"Yes!" He exclaimed, running out of the room. "I fucking told you dad! Your daughter is a crazy bride!"

"How many time have I told you not to use that type of language in my house!?" 

I couldn't help but laugh, as I made my way back to Dylan's room to get ready. 


The ceremony was beautiful, almost all of Amanda's friends and family had tears in their eyes along with her fiancé's friends and family. I even think Dylan had tears in his eyes, but he refuses to admit it.  

Once we got to the reception, I was pulled around to meet everyone in Dylan's family and not by Dylan by his mother. 

"Mum." Dylan said, grabbing my hand. "Give it a break, let Alex sit down." 

"Dylan, it's fine." 

"No Alex." Carol said, "Dylan is right, go and have a drink and have some fun before you have to go back to school." 

"Come on babe, before she changes her mind." 

"Dylan!" Amanda yelled, from across the room, she looked absolutely gorgeous.  

"Oh come on." Dylan groaned before, pulling me over to her. 

"Alex, you look gorgeous by the way." 

"Thank you, but you look 100 times better then me." 

"Oh stop it." She laughed.

"Have had a little champagne have we big sister?" Dylan asked.

"It's my wedding I can be drunk if I want to."

"Ok, I get it. Now if you would excuse us." Dylan replied. "But Alex and I haven't had a drink yet and I really just want to sit down." 

"Atleast promise me you will get your picture taken tonight?" 

"We will." 

A/N- 1000 word update because I'm super shit at updating regularly. Sorry since this update is like 2 months late. but the picture that Amanda wanted them to get taken is up the top. I'm on three weeks holidays so I should be able to update all 4 books regularly. ILY Guys... xoxo 

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