Fem. Reader x Aseop

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It was a beautiful, clear, spring morning day. The warm, soft, rich soil felt nice on your hands as you were planting your new flowers. With bummble bees buzzing around and butterflies fluttering about, you sofly hummed a quiet melody while you planted a white iris next to a dark blue iris. The once warm sunbeams felt nice, but since it was half past noon, the sun's rays felt like they were close to scorching your skin and you were getting close to getting sunburning your arms since you forgot to put sunscreen on. Sitting up on your knees you whipped a bit of sweat off your forehead. Admiring your work, you smiled as you were close to being done. Hopefully this would bring more life to the mansion even if it was a little bit. Standing you took a few steps back you heard your name being called in the distance.

"Y/n! Y/n."

Coming around the corner was Emma. "Y/n...! Oh there you are!" She cheered happily running towards you. "Wow! What a beautiful garden you have. May I help you later if you're not finished?"

"Sure." You answered gently, smiling wider. Ever since arriving at the mansion the closest person you came across was the Gardener and the Emblamer.

"But that's not what I came here for." She replied as if she forgot herself. "We have a match in a few minutes and we need to go as in.... RIGHT now!" Grabbing your wrist you dropped your gardening tools and darted to the front doors.

Once entering the meeting room where you began your matches, you sat in your usual spot. Emma sat next to you as you waited for the other two. The table was dusty and covered in crumbs in some spots and the floor looked like it hadn't been swept in a year or so.

"This could use some cleaning." You mummbled as you pulled an old, dusty cobweb from the underside of the table. "Thought Qi Shiyi said she'd tidy the room yesterday and the day before since it was bothering her too."

"She got carried away with 'teaching' Kreacher to pick up after himself." Norton said with an enormous grin on his face as he strode in through the rickety, wooden doors. Following behind him was the embalmer, Aseop. Who walked in quietly slipping into his seat next to Emma. Putting his makeup case gently on the floor,  he pulled out an old, blue book and opened to where his bookmark was. Norton giggled to himself a bit as he set his magnets on the table. Attracting Emma's attention,  she asked the prospector what he was laughing about which made Norton burst out laughing. Giggling and telling Emma, you turned a bit in your chair and looked out the dust covered, windows into the yard hoping to get a glimpse of your work outside. You didn't see much since there was so much dust caking the windows. Turning back slowly you noticed a pair of soft, grey eyes staring at you. Quickly, they widened in surprise and looked back in the black and white pages. Blushing and a bit astonished you rested your face in your hands to hide the light blush that was appearing on your face. Most of the survivors didn't like Aseop since he had a cold demeanor or had shot answers or comments. Most of the time he just kept to himself.

When you first arrived he was the first one who talked to you which surprised everyone. Sneaking a glance, you looked over to see if he was still looking. His gentle gaze drifted from one word to the next as he read. It was hard to know if he was smiling due to his mask, but he seemed to be a bit happy with the gentle glint in his eyes. Soon the other doors opened and in stode the hunter. You could't tell who it was due to the covering of the old torn curtains, but once they sat down you looked at your teammates and everyone turned into sand blowing in the wind. Glass breaking, you opened your eyes to see that you were at the center of Red Church. Going to the cipher in the middle you began pressing the hard, rusty metal keys. Moments later your heart began to glow a violet color and more a more vivid and solid color as the hunter was getting closer to you. It was Jack. Sending a foggy blade towards you, you dodged it and vaulting a window you gained some speed not realizing you passed someone hiding among some of the stoney walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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