Chapter 22: This Won't End Well

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Daniella's P.O.V:

"Wow Harry, I can't believe it's finally done." I inhaled a deep breath of the smell of my new home. The sweet smell of vanilla and a hint of peppermint. Harry and I shuffled over to the black leather couch in our living room, and wrapped up in a white blanket.

"I know," Harry's strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Now I get to see the most beautiful girl every day."

I silently blushed, my face heating up. I snuggled closer into Harry's body and slowly closed my eyes. Just as I was about to set my mind to rest and take a short nap, Snowflake jumped up on my lap and began licking my face constantly.

"Snowflake!" I giggled, pulling the little white ball of fur into my arms and ruffling the mass of hair on her head. Her black eyes looked into mine and I knew something was up.

"I think she needs to go for a walk," I mentioned to Harry. "Why don't we? It's really nice outside."

Harry nodded and smiled. I cheered, running over to the kitchen table where her long hot pink leash was put. I clipped it on her diamond collar and straightened my back. I looked over at Harry who was pulling a hoodie over his head.

"Ready?" I asked. He nodded again, and we both walked out of our flat and into the warm London air.

Looking up into Harry's bright green eyes, a small sparkle appeared and I slightly smiled. I slowly grabbed Harry's hand and intertwined our fingers while we both crossed the road and made it into the park.

Snowflake did her business at every single bush we passed which made me annoyed. I rolled my eyes, but I just pulled her along.

Walking hand in hand, Harry, Snowflake and I passed at small ice cream stand but the smell just couldn't keep me away.

"We have to go back!" I pleaded, dragging Harry back. I grinned widely as the three of us approached the girl behind the counter at the stand. It was set up like a lemonade stand, but bigger and it was closed in.

I scanned over the menu, not seeing a flavor that I liked. I finally got to the bottom and found my favorite flavor. "I'll have bubblegum, please." She nodded and looked over at Harry. "And what would you like?"

Harry squinted his eyes, and nodded as if he made a decision. "I'll just have a chocolate ice cream."

She scooped up both of our ice creams and handed them to us. I began licking my double scoop as Harry paid the money.

"Thanks babe." I smiled while I bit at one of the pieces of bubblegum in my ice cream. As Harry held Snowflake's leash, we walked the path through the beautiful park that had bright green and yellow leaves floating off of it's branches. Come to think of it, it was almost fall meaning it was August.

I looked around at the people walking past me and the little pond where kids were throwing pieces of bread at the ducks. It all seemed so beautiful.

"Daniella!" Harry yelled out my name. I looked around trying to find him, but I couldn't seem to spot him. I quickly turned around to see his body laying up against a big willow tree with Snowflake curled up on his lap.

I let my legs jog over to where they were, and quickly managed to sit down against the tree next to Harry. We both played with Snowflake, her cute little high pitched barks projecting out of her mouth.

"Baby come here!" I cooed, opening my arms. Her short, chubby legs ran over to us and she pounced onto my chest. I let out a laugh along with a short laugh from Harry as I reattached the leash to her collar.

"You're not getting away now, are you Snowy?" Harry cooed putting an arm around my shoulder and petting our puppy. I smiled and hugged Harry from the side. He really was nice to have around. And I was thankful to have such a caring boyfriend.

I heard my cell phone ring, so I frantically reached for it from my hoodies pocket. "Hello?" I answered it and heard a slight whimper come from the other end.

"Anna," I knew it was her, just from the caller I.D. "Is everything okay?"

"Dani, I'm really scared right now. Niall's not home and I'm getting worried." Anna whispered, seeming really scared. Anna and Niall were dating, and nothing like this had happened.

"Is he supposed to be?" I questioned, not thinking it was a big deal. He was probably just out with Zayn, Louis or Liam.

"Well, we were going to hang out today because he said last night that he wanted to spend more time with me. But, it's 3 o'clock and I would've thought he could've called or something to let me know that he was going to be late?" She sounded pretty upset. Harry shot me a clueless look, and I just replied back with an 'I'll tell you later' look.

"Have you tried calling him?" I asked her.

"Yeah, like four times but he didn't answer his phone!" She yelled. I bit my lip, not knowing what to do.

"Harry and I will be right over. Hang in there, sis." We said our goodbyes then I hung up the phone. I told Harry what had happened and he just furrowed his brows and made a confused face.

"That seems strange for Niall to do that. He always lets us know if he will be late or something." I agreed with him, and began walking over to Anna's flat, which was just minutes away from Harry and I's.

Holding Snowflake in my arms, Harry knocked on her door. The door almost immediately opened, and a worried looking Anna stood there clutching her iPhone.

Without saying a word, Harry and I entered her flat that used to be mine and hers. It seemed so familiar and I kind of missed it. I remember when Anna and I moved in this building, 2 years ago.

I quickly lost my thoughts when Anna let out a slight whimper when no one texted her or called her.

"This is really strange, Anna." Harry said scratching the back of his neck. "Niall really isn't like this."

"I know, he's always texted me back and answered my calls. That's why I'm worried." She sighed, a single tear dropping from her right eye.

"Do you want the rest of the guys over here? They should probably know about this." I raised an eyebrow but a loud bang came from the door. My eyes widened and I had an idea of who it was.

I looked to Anna who's eyes lit up in happiness. It just had to be Niall. She rushed over to the door, and looked back at us with a wide spread grin on her face. She turned the knob on the door and opened it wide.

"Niall?" She questioned herself, the happy face she just pulled turned to a shocked and heartsick look. I couldn't really see what was in the doorway, but I knew something was up. A feeling of worry washed over my body, and in the pit of my stomach, I felt a little tingle that just didn't feel right.

And I was right, because in walked a drunk looking Niall and a tall blonde with long dyed hair and obviously about a pound of makeup smeared across her face, pressed up against his side.


A/N: Hey guys! Chapter 22 is finally up! Hope you all love it :) Sorry, but updates may take longer to update so please just keep reading because I promise! I love you all, and I would never abandon this fanfiction!

Please comment what you think will happen? And dedication to the first commenter that tells me what they love the most about this fanfiction!


Love you all, remember that!

Victoria :)

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