Chapter 2

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She groaned in annoyance worrying her lip as she wondered where she was looking around for anyone to ask. She walked around peeking into rooms hoping to find someone only to slump in relief when she entered the library seeing a couple students milling about, some still in their pajamas and looking at her in curiosity.

"Um...Hi," she said a tad awkwardly as she shuffled on her feet slightly.

"Hey honey. You new here?" A beautiful blonde walked up to her her curls bouncing on either side of her porcelain face.

"That obvious?" Anastasia said with a small smile relaxing slightly.

"Little bit," she said her smile warm and open. "You looking for your room?" she asked gesturing to the key in her hand with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. I followed half the instructions here but I don't remember the rest," Anastasia said a tad sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. We've all been there. What's your room number anyway? I'll take you," she said moving towards her and ushering her out the door.

"Room 12," Anastasia responded.

"Really?" she suddenly grinned and Anastasia nodded. "Well that's just around here." She walked just a little around the corner before she surprisingly pulled out a key from her own pocket and opened the door. Anastasia looked at her with furrowed brows before understanding dawned. "I guess you'll be sharing with us," she grinned as they got inside where another red-haired beautiful girl was sitting on a bed her back against the headboard typing away on a laptop.

"Oh. I hope you don't mind," Anastasia said concerned that she was going to intrude as she looked between the two of them though she had to admit the room was pretty big and it had such a nice window view. She'd honestly really like it here.

"Oh no. Not at all. The more the merrier, right Letty?" she grinned at the other girl who looked up with a warm smile.

"Of course. Make yourself at home," She grinned at her and Anastasia smiled back, it was impossible not to.

"You sure you both don't mind me moving into your room? I don't want to intrude," Anastasia said just to make sure and the blonde just rolled her eyes with a smile.

"You're not intruding honey believe me. You can set your suitcase down over there. That's your bed, that's your wardrobe, the bathroom's there and each floor has its own kitchen which everyone living on the floor will share, same with the laundry room. We'll give you a tour of the site later. For now let's just get you settled here. Need help unpacking?" Madeline asked at the end of her speech.

"No thanks. It's fine. I don't really have much anyway," Anastasia said and it was true, she only had the things she really needed. She didn't have to worry about money because thankfully her foster parents were already well off so part of the extra money meant for her was sent to her bank account. She never spent much so she had more than enough in there to not have to worry about anything.

"Alrighty then. I'm Madeline by the way but my friends calls me Maddy, and this is..." she was cut off by the girl as she spoke up, "Leticia, but everyone calls me Letty."

"Anastasia," Anastasia said with a smile.

"Like the animated movie Anastasia or like Fifty shades of grey Anastasia?" Leticia asked with a grin.

"Neither," Anastasia said with a laugh as she opened her suitcase and started pulling out her clothes hanging them up in her wardrobe.

"Your clothes are so beautiful," Madeline gushed as she came forwards. "Can I look?" she asked when Anastasia moved back to her suitcase having finished hanging the clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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