04. Música

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Mas mesmo assim, ela estava indo parava o Pub com os três irmãos Shelby.

Quando eles chegam, eles ouvem uma cantoria, Grace estava cantando e os homens que estavam no Pub também cantavam.

Porém, quando eles perceberam quem havia chegado, eles paravam de cantar aos poucos.

— O homem que eu amo. Está olhando para mim. Você não o vê. Ali em pé? Acenando com seu lenço? Feliz feito um passarinho. Cantando na árvore. - Grace para de cantar, e Harry vai até onde os Shelby estavam.

— Não tínhamos música aqui desde a guerra. - Harry diz.

— Por que acha que não, Harry? - Tommy pergunta.

Sarah vai em direção à Grace.

— Você canta muito bem, Grace. - Sarah diz e Grace sorri.

— Obrigada, Sarah. - Grace agradece. - Eu queria que pudéssemos cantar por aqui.

— Eu vou tentar fazer o possível para isso acontecer, Grace. Deixe comigo. - Sarah diz e Grace sorri a agradecendo.

Take a little walk to the edge of town
Go across the tracks
Where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
As it shifts and cracks
Where secrets lie in the border fires,
in the humming wires
Hey man, you know
you're never coming back
Past the square, past the bridge,
past the mills, past the stacks
On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand

He'll wrap you in his arms,
tell you that you've been a good boy
He'll rekindle all those dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
But there won't be a single thing
that you can do
He's a god, he's a man,
he's a ghost, he's a guru
They're whispering his name
through this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
is a red right hand

You don't own any money?
He'll get you some
You don't have no car?
He'll get you one
You don't have no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
Well don't you worry buddy,
cause here he comes
Through the ghetto and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
A shadow is cast wherever he stands
Stacks of green paper in his
red right hand

You'll see him in your nightmares
you'll see him in your dreams
He'll appear out of nowhere but
he ain't what he seems
You'll see him in your head,
on the Tv screen
And hey buddy, I'll warning
you to turn it off
He's a ghost, he's a god,
he's a man, he's a guru
You're one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
Designed and directed by
his red right hand

You'll see him in your nightmaresyou'll see him in your dreamsHe'll appear out of nowhere buthe ain't what he seemsYou'll see him in your head,on the Tv screenAnd hey buddy, I'll warningyou to turn it offHe's a ghost, he's a god,he's a man, he's a...

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Eu juro que vou tentar mudar isso, estou sem ideias para mais algumas coisas, sinto muito por isso.

DON'T BLAME ME, Thomas Shelby Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora