Chapter 19

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I woke up in someone else's bed the next morning

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I woke up in someone else's bed the next morning. The blanket was heavier and there were only two pillows on the bed. I shot up, looking around the room. Light peaked from the blinds, leaving stripped patterns on the bed.

My head was pounding and my stomach was in knots—a classic hangover. I got up from the bed and unlocked the door. I stumbled to the bathroom, found a new toothbrush in the drawer, and used it to brush my teeth which felt gross. The smell of alcohol is still strong and made me want to gag.

I got downstairs and the place was completely trashed. Cups littered the floor, and food spilled on the kitchen floor. Reid lay in the middle of the mess on the couch, a pillow over his face. His shirt was off, no surprise there.

I shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up. "Reid wake up. You need to clean this place up  before your parents come home."

"What," he groaned, turning over to his side. "Don't worry about them they're not coming home till 3 o'clock." He snuggled into the pillow.

"It's 2:04," I scowled, shaking him again.

His eyes popped open, "huh?" He sprung from the couch, looking around at the place. Realization quickly settled in on how fucked he was. "Shit," he ran a hand through his hair.  A tingle went through my fingertips, watching his hand glide through his hair.

I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes. I looked at my bare legs and covered feet. I looked back up at Reid who was still in his spot checking out the damage. "Reid, why am I in your shirt?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Thought I should let you breathe while you sleep," he casually shrugged, eyeing me up and down in his clothing. "You look good in my stuff anyway. Any chance you want to help me out since I so graciously took care of you last night," he pleaded. His hazel eyes looked almost green this afternoon.

"Where are my crutches," I looked around for them. It's not like I necessarily needed them, the pain wasn't extreme anymore but I like keeping the weight of my knee so it could heal faster.

"I think some kid used them as stilts last night," he ran a hand down his face. "I don't know it was a long night after I put you down."

Put Me down? What does he think I am, a dog? "You let some kid use my medically issued crutches to play circus tricks," I growled, pointing a finger in his direction. "Really?"

"Shh, please stop being so loud, it's hurting my head." He grabbed his head, massaging his temples.

"Reid," I whined. "I'm going to kill you," I looked around trying to find my crutches. I found them outside, resting on one of the outside couches. I sighed, picking them up and bringing them inside. Reid was in the kitchen a large trash bag in his hand. I rolled my eyes, watching him clean the place up.

I attempted to help pick up trash but was put on kitchen duty as bending down wasn't in my cards as of right now. In just shy of thirty minutes the place looked almost spotless. I collapsed on the couch, sitting there lazily as Reid went to take a shower.

My peace was soon interrupted when Reid plopped beside me, almost bouncing me off the couch. "Jesus Reid," I huffed, fixing myself on the couch. 

"I think I liked you better when you were drunk," he laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean," I cocked an eyebrow, turning my body towards him.

He moved in, leaning closer, "You're much nicer. You even came up with a cute nickname for me," he smiled smugly.

"Did not!"

"Did too," he tapped me on my nose, making me even angrier.

"Did not," I pointed a finger to his chest. I hiss slightly when my finger comes in contact with his hard chest. I'm surprised it didn't bend backwards at the contact.

The front door then opened, freezing me in my movements. Mary and David walked through the door carrying two bags in their hands.  "Oh, hello Jade," Mary said, her husband closing the door behind her.  "I didn't know you'd be over,'" she eyed my choice in outfit up and down.

"Yeah Ma, she just loves my company," he put an arm around me, squeezing me closer.

I pushed his arm off, scrambling off the couch. "I should probably get home and let you guys catch up," I said nervously. I hope they didn't mention any of this to my grandma, I thought as I scurried out the door.


"Welp, it seems like, your knee has improved tremendously," the doctor tapped my knee. I was sitting in the doctor's office, attending my bi-weekly check-up. I have been taking extra care these last few weeks.

"Does this mean I'm cleared to go to work again," I asked hopefully. Staying indoors all day made me want to kill myself over and over again.

She pulled out a doctor's note, clicking her pen once. "I'm allowing you to return to work but you have to lay off on strenuous activities, you hear me?" She pointed her pen at me.

"Yes ma'am," I grinned, nodding my head.

"This is great," my Grandma clapped her hands together in enjoyment, "My grandaughter here has been miserable staying at home all day." She put a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking it.

We walked out of the doctor's office heading towards the exit. I looked at the note in my hand that proved I could go back to work and felt a smile tug my lips. My paper then flew out of my hand as a gust of wind rushed past us.

The same guy Tia was talking to last night was being carried in on a stretcher, doctors yelling out different things as they held his arms to keep him stable. "Crap he's going into a seizure," one of the doctors called out.

Tia ran behind them, tears rolling down her face. "Tia?" I called from across the hall. The group of doctors pushed her back telling her she had to stay out there. She stomped her foot and crossed her arms.

"Tia!" I called again. Her head turned, eyes red, and in shock when they landed on me.

"Jade," she crossed over to me. She wiped a tear, sniffling, "What are you doing here?"

"Checkup," I gestured to my knee as I bent down to pick up my doctor's note. "What happened to him?"

Tears began to pool in her eyes, "We were just fucking around last night and he took too much. We were too far gone, when I woke up he was shaking, and-" she shuddered, the picture haunting her brain.  "I have to go. I'll talk to you later," she turned around walking in the direction her friend was rolled to.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, my grandma shaking her head, nudging me towards the exits. "Don't do drugs, baby. They'll only kill you." My eyes widened, and I looked back to where Tia was trying to get some information out of the doctor.


Lil short

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Lil short.

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