Chapter 6

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Miyagi put a cigarette on his mouth and lighted up just when the 3 people he was waiting for came into view with not such a happy expression to see their boss at six in the morning. Miyagi really didn't give two shits if they were happy to see him or not, he needed a job done and they were the perfect ones to do it.

"Why did you call us?"

A guy with messy brown hair and dark blue eyes said. He was tall; maybe 6'7 but even if he was that tall, he was still scare of Miyagi who was even stronger than him. He had proof that 2 years ago when he had challenge him to fight before he even knew his grate ability to fight, and when he was defeated he beg to let him in his gang, and now you see him now; taking orders of Miyagi.

"I have a job for you three; I want you to check on a boy name Shinobu Takatsuki"

"That's all?"

Another guy of the three say. he was shorter than the other two, he was about 5'7 but he was a good fighter believe it or not. He was close on beating Miyagi, but close wasn't enough.

"No, as well I want you to check for Nowaki Kusama and whoever is constantly around him,"

The three guys nod their head and without asking why they were given this job they left Miyagi were they found him. Miyagi stand in the same place for some seconds more and then leave while thinking where Akihiko was, he knew he wasn't a morning person but at least he should come when he's told to! But again, Akihiko wasn't the kind of person to fallow orders. Miyagi let out a frustrated sigh and threw his cigarette away before he even finished it.

He needed a nap, yup, that sounded good to do right now. He could go to the infirmary but probably is close at this time, maybe in his class, but he will be sleeping while seating and that's really uncomfortable (he has experience it before). So his last option was the roof.

He took out his phone out of his pocket and dial Akihiko's number, he waited for Akihiko to answer but instead he heard, "Sorry but the number you call has a-" He curse under his breath and try to dial again but this time it didn't even ring before the machine said that the phone he call was off.

"That little mother fucker!!"

He screamed so loud it echoed the hall he was walking by. He let out another frustrated sigh and didn't even bother to check if someone had heard him, he didn't really need too, who would be in school at 6:30 in the morning?

The nerds, ha!

And just when the thought cross his mined he figure that maybe Shinobu was at school studying for a test or something. Or not. After what he told him yesterday he would probably not come to school for a while. Miyagi had reach the stairs that led him to the roof of the school and just when he stepped out he felt peace, with less pressure in his shoulders and less things to think. He loved been in the roof, were no one came and bother him with drama of the girls he slept with, with trouble going on in his gang, or constant fights with his friends. Here he could be alone and have a moment of silent and no worries to think. He walk around the little construction that surrounded the door he came out from and then saw some latter that rich the top and there's were he lay down on the cold floor (or roof) and put his arms behind his head and close his eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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