The Search for the Adepti Begins

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"You coming, Hua?" Senti called for the fifth time. She was increasingly growing annoyed with her sister, who was lagging behind the group.

"...yeah." Hua called back hesitantly.

Aether, having paused a good amount ahead of the sisters, was looking even more annoyed than Senti.

"You gonna keep slowing us  down? 'Cause if so, i'm ditching you."

"No, no. I'm coming." Hua turned and jogged over.

Is something bothering you? Senti thought at her.

Something Moon Carver said. I'll tell you later, though. He's waiting for us again. Hua answered.

"Are you guys communicating telepathically or just staring at each other?! COME ON!"


"Alright, this is Mount Hulao. Supposedly where the adepti Mountain Shaper resides." Aether informed the sisters and Paimon, looking at his map.

"Good, so... what now?!" Paimon yelped, staring up at the mountainside in fear.

A group of round, burning monsters were rolling towards them.

"Ugh. Pyro slimes..." Aether grunted, pulling out his sword "Hua, use your vision on them. It'll give me the head start I need."

Hua summoned the electric phoenix yet again, her veins thrumming with power. It slashed at the 'slimes', creating a overloaded explosion.

Aether jumped into the fray, quickly finishing them off.

"Thanks. Paimon, thanks to you as well for warning me." He nodded to Paimon.

"Now let's head up, shall we?"


the group reached the mountains peak, finding an oddly dressed human up there. He appeared to be praying, on his knees before the small pond.

"Have mercy, O mighty adeptus! I beg you... spare our lives!" He called frantically.

Aether, looking interested in the man, put his hands on his hips and asked; "What's wrong?"

The man spun around, surprise written all over his face. "Who are you...? Whats going on?!"

"We asked you first." Paimon retorted in her squeaky voice.

The man suddenly looked excited.

"OH! You enjoy safe passage here? That means only one thing... you must be adepti messengers!!"

Paimon and Aether glanced at each other, confused. Hua, having sensed the lack of communication, stepped up.

"I'm sorry sir, but-"

The mans eyes widened to their full extent.

"I've been saved! O mighty adeptus, please help me find my brother!"

Hua froze. Another person had mistaken her for an adeptus? It was true that her aura was similar to Moon Carver's, but she wasn't... was she?

"Ugh. as my sister was saying, we-" Senti was also rudely interrupted.

"Two adepti? Sisters! The archons smile upon me!"
Aether, having finally recovered from his shock and confusion, face-palmed himself.

"Look, sir, what are you doing up here?"

"O, please have mercy mighty adepti and adepti messengers... Please save my brother! We only came up here to search for riches and food for our families, hidden in the amber of Mt. Hulao!" The man said frantically "we followed the path up the mountain, but the- the amber- It swallowed my brother, Li Dang!"

"Amber... swallowed your brother??" Paimon shrieked.

"Yeah... i ran away, and made it this far before it dawned on me; we were trespassers in the realm of the adepti, and this is our punishment..."

"I have no idea how to rescue my brother, so i've just been praying to the adepti to have mercy... and now here you are! with your messengers!!" the man pointed to Hua and Senti, then at Aether and Paimon.

Aether glared at him.

"Your name, please? Or should i just keep calling you 'person right there.'" Senti interrupted.

"Oh-! I'm Li Ding!"

"Great, now we know each other, by name." Aether added "But, heres some bad news. We aren't adepti, nor adepti messengers.

Li Ding looked between them, disbelieving. "B-but you have to be! please, just help me find my brother!"

Aether and Paimon sighed, as if used to this kind of thing.

However, Senti had other plans.

"Why would we help a stranger that came out of the blue like you?" She demanded.

Li Ding looked at her oddly.


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