Knight and Dragon

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"To become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself."

Leviathan had told her as much when they first met.

She had still been getting to know the dragon, starting to understand the ins and outs of being one who homes a spirit, when he had shared such knowledge with her.

In her absolute resolve to win against Lucius and avenge Asta she had asked what technique would give them the absolute highest chance at winning and beating the soul mage.

And he had told her.

"Consume one of my scales," Leviathan in his true form had boomed, "for a human who swallows the scale of a dragon is to become a dragon."

Leviathan had explained that in doing this her mana and her body would become one, the purest and most powerful version of herself would be created.

But he also warned.

"In doing so you would lose yourself, every part of what makes you who you are would be gone. Your hopes, your dreams, your memories. All of it gone in exchange for power."

It was only to be used as an absolute last resort.

Only when it was between her life and the fate of the world was she to take such a plunge.

Only then would Leviathan offer her one of his scales.

But now...

The fate of the world doesn't matter to her.

The only thing she wants is to save him.

"Leviathan!" She screams, calling out to the spirit in desperation, "please I beg of you let me do this!"

The dragon, small and sitting upon her shoulder shakes his head.

"No Noelle, you're destined for more than this, I will not allow you to throw your life away."

Her heart is beating fast in her chest as she watches the battle in the sky rage on.

She knows what Asta is doing.

He has returned but with every intent on sacrificing himself in order to stop Lucius.

He had never intended to come out of this fight alive.

And Noelle was not about to allow him to go through with it.

She refused to watch him die a second time.

"I don't care about destiny," her voice is steady and determined, "I don't care about my fate."

The dragon looks at her, searching her eyes for some unforeseen answer.

"You once asked me what was more important," she can feel her mana surging with her resolve, "my own memories of our time together or keeping those I hold dear safe."

She closes her eyes.

"Well I've decided."

She looks up at the sky once more, her gaze hard and cold, her decision made.

"Protecting them is what's most is greater than please," she pleads with Leviathan, "let me do this."

The great dragon continues to watch her for a moment.

Before he bows his head and conseeds.

From his body a brilliant blue scale is born.

It's the size of a coin, thick, and pulsating with mana.

Noelle doesn't hesitate.

She takes the scale and she swallows it.

All is still for a moment and the raging of the battle before her becomes nothing more than a distant song.

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