Story of Another Us

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Noelle is running through the woods desperately trying to escape.

She hadn't thought they were real, she had thought they were nothing but an old wives tale.

And now here she is, running lost through a forest in the dead of night, one of these mythical beings of old chasing her down and hunting her like it's prey.

Her dress gets caught on a stray branch and the fabric tears from the force at which she runs, unfortunately the action in turn causes her to stumble and trip over her feet, sending her spiraling towards the ground.

The creature is on her in seconds, bounding over a large stone at which it perches to glare menacingly down at her.

A vampire.

A creature of old.

He appears young but Noelle has no idea if that is merely an illusion that comes with immortality. His head is crowned with messy ash blonde hair but that is where his human characteristics end.

Upon his back are two large bat wings, a matching tail to boot waving behind him, his hands are clawed, his ears pointed and his teeth sharp, but most telling of all are his eyes.

Her grandmother once told her if she ever was unsure if someone was a human or vampire to check the eyes not the teeth.

For vampiric eyes glow like hot ambers and were that of a predator rather then a man.

And what stares down at her is most definitely a predator.

She closes her eyes and awaits her fate.

She has no doubt in her mind that this creature intends to make her his next meal, and unfortunately there's nothing she can do to stop him from taking her.

"What are you doing here human?"

She hadn't expected it to speak to her.

Or for it to sound so human.

She lowers her hands that she had raised in what should have been a vain attempt to protect herself and looks at him in confusion and fear.


"You're far too close to our colony," the creature slips off the rock, movements smooth and almost reptilian like, "it's unsafe for both of us if you hang around here."

"You-you're going to let me go?" She stutters out in stunned disbelief.

The boy wrinkles his nose, "I have no interest in keeping you here."

"You're not going to eat me?"

"You wouldn't be very filling."

Noelle blinks at him, the confusion is still thick, she had expected to be mauled by this thing by now...not have a conversation with it.

"Why were you chasing me then?" Noelle tries to slow the rapid beating of her heart.

"Because you saw me and I had to be sure you wouldn't tell any other humans where our colony is."

"You chased me down just to ask me to leave you alone?"

"Don't get smart with me," he curls up his lips revealing sharp fangs, "your lucky it was me who you saw, the others wouldn't have been so kind to you," he looks away from her, "I have no desire to kill you but at the same time I couldn't just let you go without being sure you wouldn't endanger my family."

"That's all you be left alone?"

The boy looks at her with a bored expression.


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