Naruto Shippuden: Yumiko, and the Oshiro Twins

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Chapter 6:

I walked through the thick foliage, trying to be as silent as possible. The woods were dense in this part. So dense, no sunlight was reaching the cool earth that laid beneath the thick canopy. It was quiet. A few song birds were singing and everything seemed peaceful. It would seem nice, but since I was infuriated, I was unable to be soothed by such a lovely environment. The talk between me and Deidara didn't get better. Instead, it escaladed and ended up resulting in disaster. I don't even want to think about it… I'm pushing that thought to the back of my mind.

“Yumiko?” came a sudden voice high up in the trees.

I tensed up for a moment, then relaxed when I recognized the voice. Looking up, I spotted an old friend of mine. Her Native-style clothing hid her perfectly in the treetops. Great camouflage. “Hey, Nenka.”

She smiled down at me then pushed off the branched she had perched herself on and fell down the ground. “What brings you back out here? I heard from some people that you were on the run after kidnapping a few kids.”

“Is that the rumor that's going around…?” I asked looking down at my feet.

“It's been all everyone can talk about for the past two weeks.” came a second voice.

I looked up again. Within seconds, I noticed Nita Oshiro hanging upside-down on a tree branch. She was standing upside-down on it. Her chakra focused down into her feet.

“Two weeks?” I asked her. I was sort of shocked to hear that. Guess that finally answers how long I was actually sick for. Two whole weeks… how did that happen?

Nita nodded to me then fell from the branch. During her little free-fall down to us, she spun around in mid-air and landed on the ground on one knee. Standing up, she placed a hand on her hip and nodded, “Yep, two whole weeks. It's all over this country already. Probably made its way into the Fire country and a few others by now.”

“Yikes… Guess I should explain what happened huh?” I asked them both.

Nenka nodded cheerfully, “C'mon back to our place. We can talk there.”


They led me back to their house that I must've been in at least a million times by now. It was an underground hide-out. No one would find it unless they were purposely looking for it. Even if they did, the twins told me on occasion that they've lined all the corridors with c4. If the time came, they could escape through one of the forty escape routes they have throughout the place and blow their home up with all the intruders in it. Pretty smart if you ask me.

The hallways weren't anything special. As a matter of fact, nothing about the place was real special. The girls came from some small mining village so they specialized in underground routing and such. The halls were small dugouts that ranged from about fifteen feet tall to about ten feet wide. I can't even explain how long some of them stretched. Very impressive, but like I said, nothing special. The walls weren't decorated, or tiled, or anything like that. They were rock walls with some dirt patches here and there. I guess it sort of makes sense if you think about it. It's basically a giant bomb so you probably shouldn't put a lot of work into it if you're just going to end up blowing it all up one day.

They lead me down a couple hallways until we reached their 'kitchen' if you could even call it that. There was no electricity underground so the only things that they really had down there were a couple chairs, a table that sat six people, a countertop, some cabinets, and a fireplace that had a shaft going up to the surface. This was used for letting out smoke as well as letting in air when not used. Nenka took off to the fireplace to whip up some tea like usual, and Nita took a seat in one of the wooden chairs and kicked her feet up onto the table.

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