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- Nothing spicy in this ending, just some kissing and fluffy moments with our Bangs Boi! And let's just pretend the reader and Tam got each other on their match lists. Match lists are very stupid though, I mean you need a list to tell you who to love- Moonstar   (ノ^_^)ノ

"Oh, Tam it's you." I said, slightly embarrassed, did he hear what me and Linh were talking about? Tam walked over and stood next to me. Close up, he kind of smelled slightly like lavender mixed with some salty scent. I realised we were just standing there in awkward silence. Tam was looking at the stars and I was staring at the ground.

 "So, how come you weren't in the room?" Tam asked abruptly. My head shot up from the ground. Did he know what me and Linh were talking about?

 "I just needed some fresh air." I said offhandedly. He gave a side glance at me. I was still wearing the dress and the shoes Biana had given me. He nodded.

 "Yeah, there's too many people there for my liking." he said. I nodded and we both looked at the stars twinkling above us. Tam turned to look at me. I didn't notice until Tam gently shook my shoulder.

 "Hmm?" I said, he looked really nervous, like he was about to confess......

 Wait a min, Tam looked like he was about to confess a secret or something else. He took a deep breath and took another step closer, he looked at my face, whole and not shying away from bad parts.

(Everyone is beautiful, including the person who is reading this right now, whether your trans gender, male, female, or whatever you want to be all of you are beautiful people and never forget that, no matter what people say, people will always have some negative comment for you, but hey you can't satisfy everyone. Just be yourselves and that will help block the negative vibes, but it's not always easy, so take your time.- Moonstar)

 Tam looked and opened his mouth;

 "Y/N, can I ask you something?" he asked, due to me being a hopeless romantic for him, I was frozen, but I managed to nod.

 "Are you single?" he blurted out, I stared and started to blush. TAM SONG! Asking me if I was single!

 "Um, yes, unfortunately.." I replied with a small chuckle. Tam gave a small laugh as well. Now he had got my answer, he seemed more relaxed and well comfortable with me. We talked about shadows and how dumb Keefe is sometimes, due to the fact that when I left, the others were playing truth or dare, and Tam dared him to dump honey on his hair. And guess what? He did it.

 I laughed when Tam told me this, we enjoyed each other's company and decided to find somewhere to sit. It was a cute area with plenty of trees and an adorable pond. We sat down and resumed our conversation. I decided to bring up something that had been on my mind for a while now.

 "Hey Tam, why did you ask me if I was single?" I asked quietly. Tam turned his head away and avoided my gaze.

 "Why are you asking?" he asked back. I looked at him and turned to face him.

 "Because I want to know." I replied simply. He glanced down at me. (if you're tall, or short or mid, just input that)

(I did some research and apparently Tam is 5'9, personally I am 5'4, I'm short compared to him.   (╯︵╰,) - Moonstar)

"I asked because I wanted to see if you had a boyfriend." he said. I raised my eyebrow.

 "I... you know what never mind." he got up to leave, but I grabbed his hand.

 "Hey you can tell me, I promise I won't laugh." I said, giving him puppy eyes, he looked and slowly but surely sat back down. He looked nervous once more and tugged on his silver tipped bangs. I gently took his hand and pulled it away from his hair. He stared at our hands touching.

 "I reallylikeyouandwonderedifyouwanttogoonadatewithme." he said so fast, I didn't even know what he said or was asking of me. I tried to replay it but no use.

 "Tam, could you repeat that please?" I asked. He gulped and took a deep breath.

 "I really really like you Y/N. Will you go on a date with me? I mean, I know we just knew each other for a couple days, but you're really cute and nice and I would love to take you for a date." he finished. He glanced at my face and waited for my answer.

 "Yes." his head snapped up, he looked at me, his heart beating at the rate of 100 miles per hour. His breath quickened. 

 "Really, wait you know what I was saying right?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.

 "I heard you just fine Tam, and yes I like you too and I would LOVE to be your girlfriend." I replied, with a smile and I held his hand. His skin was slightly colder than mine but that didn't bother me. He looked at me, his gaze for once not harsh or angry, but soft and lovely.

 "I love you Tam Song." I said, smiling. He smiled back then.....

 He kissed me! Tam Song kissed me! His lips tasted kind of strawberry-like, which was kind of surprising, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy who would wear chap-stick. We broke after a quick kiss and the expression on Tam's face was indescribable, it was a mixture of happiness and love, as well as a tiny bit of sadness and hope. Behind us, unknowingly to us, Linh was cheering silently with Wylie, who dropped by. (LYLIE!!!)

Now, I finally told Tam Song how I felt about him. And he felt the same about me. And now we were a couple.

 "Glad I got that done." Tam said, nervously laughing. I laughed along with him and the two of us, remained under the trees next to the pond, under the stars.... together.

-Thank you everyone who read all the chapters and helped me as a first time writer on Wattpad, and I'm grateful for everyone who read this book and helped me on my journey. I was maybe 10 years old, when I started writing and now I'm ready to share it with everyone. 

I might be starting a Tam x reader boyfriend scenarios/one shots book, cause there are barely and Tam stories, and I would love to hear your opinions on whether or not I should do it, thanks for everyone reading and have a good day/night. Thank you all again for the support. Please leave a comment on what you think of this book and if you read ALL the chapters. And leave a comment if you think I should do the one shot/scenarios book!


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