Chapter 4

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I open the front door and place my coat on the rack. I make my way upstairs and I am greeted by Daniel, who is waiting patiently outside our bedroom. "Where did you go so early in the morning." I stand still, a blank expression on my face. "I went to the mall." I show him the bag and take out the dress Minho chose for me. I smile to myself admiring the dress. The thought that he still knows what my likes and dislikes are was just enough to make me day dream. I was soon kicked out of my own thoughts when my dress was snatched away from my grasp. "You bought this cheap thing? And you plan to wear it to dinner?" I snatch it back and check it to make sure it hadn't been ripped. "Money doesn't mean anything I've told you this. I'll wear something else if it bothers you that much." I walk past him and enter the room.

  "It should start meaning something to you. What would people think when they see you wearing something like that?" I place the bag on the sofa and hang my purse inside the closet. "Money may buy you status. But it will never buy my happiness. I'm going to go get ready. I suggest you do the same, unless you want to keep shaming me." I storm into the restroom and lock the door behind me.

  The drive to dinner was as usual, quiet. Once arriving at the restaurant Daniel takes my hand and leads me inside. The waitress checks us in and signals one of the waiters to escort us to our table. I look around admiring the pretty decorations around the inside of the building as I take my seat. A couple minutes pass and two servers bring us our meal. I start eating not sparing one glance at Daniel. After a while he breaks the silence. "Listen, I'm sorry for saying that earlier. I don't want there to be constant arguing between us." I look up not saying anything. "I really do love you. And maybe with time, do you think you could love me too?" I set my utensils down and smooth out my dress. "I don't know." I look down at my hands and back up at him. "This is all so sudden to me. At first I was hoping you would be against this marriage, but now. I don't know. I can't give you a solid answer." He nods and reaches over to hold my hand. "I promise to try. I will make you happy." Before I could say anything he gets a phone call. Not hesitating to decline it he gets up and answers it, walking away from the table.

  I look around to distract myself in the mean time. After a few seconds he comes back. "Sorry I got a call from the office. Let me take you home and..." I stand up and finish my wine before pushing in the chair. "It's fine, I'll take a cab home. I need to stop buy the shop anyway." He nods. Before he leaves he places a kiss on my cheek and hurries out. I walk out of the restaurant and catch a cab. "1213 8th St in district 9 please."

  I sit on my desk looking trough an old album. Each page containing a nice memory to accompany it. I close the book and pull out my phone. I open a message that was sent to me not to long ago.

Minho- Hope dinner goes well. Good night.

  I dial his phone number and wait for him to answer. "Hello." There's an echo to the sound of his voice. "Hey. you busy?" I hear a door close on the other side followed by some shuffling. "Not right now. Why what's up?"

  "Nothing. Just wanted some company. And I thought I could bother you." He laughs. "You alone?" I stand up from my chair and walk around. "Yeah. I'm at the shop. Dinner was cut short thank god. What about you?" "Should I be happy to hear that? I'm actually at the gym with the guys." I laugh and lean on a table. "You haven't changed a bit have you." "And you have changed a lot." I look down smile at myself. "You got time to hang out?" "Right now? hmm yeah I think I can. Send me your address I'll pick you up. Or do u want to meet me there again?" I laugh at his statement and send him a text. "No, I'll be more than happy to get on that bike with you." I hear a small ding echo on the other side of the line. "Then, I'll be more than happy to pick you up. See you in a bit." He hangs up. I run to my desk and change into some jeans and a loosely fit sweater I left here last month. I throw the dress into a drawer and run to the door. About 10 minutes later I hear a familiar motorbike approach the shop. I step outside and lock the shop before walking up to Minho. He hands me a helmet and pats the seat behind him telling me to get on. I put on the helmet and take my seat behind him, wrapping my arms around his wasit. "Ready?" I nod and give him a thumbs up. That's his que to take off.

  I flinch at the sudden movement of the bike and hold on tighter praying I don't fall off. "Where are we going?" He glances every now and then at me waiting for my response. I feel the adrenaline rushing through me, the feeling making the decisions now. "Anywhere but that house." He nods and continues driving. After a while we end up at a rather quiet park. There weren't many people maybe a couple here and there. "You still like pretty sceneries?" I turn to look at Minho and smile. "You remember?" He nods and reaches out to grab my hand. I gladly take his in mine and we walk to the entrance together. My face rosie from how close he is to me. I forgot the feeling of his company made my tummy do backflips. I fix my hair behind my ear as I walk by a beautiful pond with lily pad leaves resting on top of the water. "You cold?" I face Minho this time. Before I can answer he takes off his jacket and places it on me, fixing the collar so that I can warm up. I hold onto the jacket to wrap it more around my body, subconsciously smelling it. Minho laughs as he interlocks our hands and puts them into the pocket of his hoodie.

  "So...tell me about this dinner date. How did it go?" We start walking again. "It was ok. The usual unno. We don't talk very much." I look down. "Sounds like fun. Did you not wear the dress I chose for you after all?" I shake my head. "No. I'm saving it for a special night. Whenever that is." We stop in the middle of the bridge that is hovering over a small stream of water, beautifully decorated with artificial wisteria leaves and vines. "Oh. Not fancy enough for Daniel?" Minho rolls his eyes and gives me a judging glare. I laugh at his remark and lean on the railing of the bridge. "I don't want him to see me in that dress. It's two pretty for someone like him." Minho laughs and moves closer to me. "I hope to see you radiate nothing but beauty in that dress some day." I blush at his statement. I break eye contact and try to distract myself with anything that isn't his gaze. I fail and find myself staring back at him. In this moment I felt like it was just us two in the garden and no-one else. Minho reaches over to fix a strand of my hair. "I hope I can still find a place in your heart. I'm willing to wait, as long as it takes."

  A tear makes its way down my cheek. I look down hoping he didn't notice. Minho wipes the tear away and pulls me into a tight hug. "I should probably get you home." I hug him back and shake my head. "Please don't make me go back yet. Can we...stay like this a little longer?" He nods. Playing with my hair as a way to comfort me. "As long as you want. It's getting kind of cold though we should get inside soon." I break the hug and look up at him. "Right sorry." Minho smiles at me. "You want to go back to my place? I'll drive you home early morning." I smile at him and shake my head. "I don't want to risk anything." I look down and shuffle a bit in my spot. "I understand." Walking hand in hand, we make it back to the entrance of the park. "Thanks for everything again." I look up at Minho, who just smiles and hands me the helmet. "Bother me as much as you want. I'll be there." I take my seat, again following the same routine. Before we take off I tap Minho on the shoulder. He takes his helmet off and turns to look at me. "Minho.." I quietly whisper. "Yes Y/n" I look around trying to find the right words to say.

  "Let's date again."

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