Little glimpse (SINGLE CHILD)

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Let just talk about the fact that many of us might have heard as  SINGLE  CHILD

Many of us think that it's a blessing being born as a single child in a family .
But wait   'Do we think it as a blessing being  born as a single child ?'
          Well sometimes but the problem that we face are so underrated that no one discuss about it .

Being a single child we definitely receive a lot of love but with a lot of responsibilities in our shoulders that sometimes make us think that    'Do they really love us ?'
Well they do but they want us to the perfect imagine they have thought from childhood for us .
They want us to follow their every step without questioning .

Being a single child we have to face lot of depression ,we have to bury our dreams just to make our parents proud , if we don't then we are the bad fruits that they don't want .

To be honest we are more mature we  know how to control our emotions ,crying in bedroom or should I say our favourite place bathroom alone making sure no one hears us . After that not letting them know that we cried and trying to put the face as if nothing happened .

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