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(n) the euphoria experience
When you first falling in love

"Y/N, wake up you're going to be late
You don't want to be late on your first day do you?" The woman besides your bed spoke as she shook your shoulder gently.

You groaned as you covered your face in your pillow "five more minutes please?" The woman sighed as she stood up and put her hands on her hips glaring at the h/c haired girl.

"Don't make me drag your ass downstairs young lady, you knew you had school tomorrow yet you stayed up late again" your mother said in a stern yet gentle tone making you groan and sit up "fine fine I'm awake just please spare me the lecture about staying up late" you said as you begin to rub your eyes

Your mother chuckled knowing how much you hate listening to her 'lectures' "alright I'll spare you today, now get ready and come downstairs to eat your breakfast before leaving"
And with that your mother left

You sighed as you grabbed your phone and checked the time
'hm 6:10 school starts at 7:30, fucking hell why does school even starts so early?' you groan as you finally stood up and started to get ready for school


You were now done getting ready, you quickly grabbed your phone as you headed downstairs

As you reached the kitchen you see
Your brothers sitting down eating while your mom was preparing your lunch, "took you long enough to finish now sit down and eat so that I could drop you and yb/n to school since mom can't" your older brother said while eating not even bothering to look at you "yeah yeah" you muttered as you sat down next to your other brother who was only a year younger than you,

(Yb/n = younger brother/ name
B/n = brother/name)

"Your father is coming home in a few days" your mother said making the room tense and quiet, your older brother's neutral face was now replaced with a scowl as an irk marked appeared near his forehead,your younger brother stayed quiet while you looked at your mother "why?"that question made both your brothers turn their head in interest towards the woman who was still preparing their lunch

"He got fired from his job now he doesn't have a place to stay" your mother stated ignoring the stares you and your brothers were giving her
"Why stay here? He has friends doesn't he? He can just stay with them" B/N said annoyed that their so called 'father' only stayed with them so that he has a place to go to.

You mother sighed as she quickly finished preparing their lunch
"I know you hate your father I do too
But we don't really have a choice this is his house after all, I'm sorry I can't do anything to help us" your mother said looking at the three of you
Her eyes filled with sadness and guilt

You brother's face softened as soon as he saw the look his mother was giving him, he sighed as he continued eating again "it's alright mom it's not you're fault anyways" your mother smiled as she heard her eldest son speak
"We just have to stay patient and wait
Then we won't ever see him again I promise we'll be a happy family once more but without him" your mother said

The three of you relaxed as you all continued eating, none of you were allowed to use your phone while eating because it was considered disrespectful so the only thing that can keep you entertained while eating was talking to one another.


The three of you all finished eating and now all of you were standing next to the door ready to leave

"Bye darlings! I hope you have a great day at your new school and please B/N and Y/N refrain from beating up students, b/n your a college student
So please refrain from getting into fights and Y/N control your anger please YB/N control your sister in school" you and your brothers chuckled at your mother's words

"Can't promise you that mom but I'll try" you said as you headed outside
While your brothers vid bid their goodbyes.


You and YB/N were peacefully sitting in the car while B/N is driving
"Remember N/N and YB/N if someone bothers you and gives you trouble
Don't hesitate to beat them up
Violence is key" B/N stated with a smile as he focused on the road

You and YB/N chuckled
"Nii-san you know I don't fight people" YB/N said "oh I definitely won't hesitate" you said while smirking

"Alright both of you out, we're here"

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