Chapter Eight: Andrew's Anger

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We hear Andrew shouting for Cassidy, and all I can think is how did he even find us? How did he even know where we were at? What's he going to do? All these questions ran through my head but before I could get a grip with myself, I look over and notice Cassidy trembling. It's as if she saw a ghost. She looks at me and asks "Don't say anything! Let me do the talking." I just nod my head yes not sure what to expect. We see Andrew walking towards us from the darkness, "What are you doing with my girl Jonas!" Andrew yells at me stomping towards us. "I wasn't doing anything with her Andrew." I said in a stern voice standing my ground. "What are you doing here Andrew." Cassidy asks. "Seems like I should be asking you the same thing." Andrew said getting in Cassidy's face. "Dude back off." I said standing in between Andrew and Cassidy. I push him back making sure he didn't touch her. "I thought I told you to stay away from Cassidy!" Andrew shouts as he pushes me back. "You realize she's a free woman, she's aloud to have friends!" I shout back. Andrew looks at me with nothing but hatred in his eyes. I look over at Cassidy as she just stands quietly with her arms crossed. "Look, Andrew, I don't want any trouble, I was just showing Cassidy this old hangout spot, that's it!" I said defending Cassidy. Andrew gets in my face then before I know it throws me against his car. "I ought to knock your teeth down your throat." He said to me as he raises a fist at me. I say without hesitation, "That a threat that you've used on Cassidy?" He then looks at me wide eyed, stunned I even said what I just said. "What did you just say?" Andrew says angerly.

Cassidy yells while crying, "Just put him down Andrew! He didn't do anything wrong!" Andrew just drops me, "Let's go Cass." He said while looking at me with a look of death, then turning around and opening the car door. Cassidy sniffles, and mouths "I'm sorry." As she heads for his car. Just before they both get in, Andrew turns around quicker than I could react and punches me right in the face. Cassidy lets off a little scream. Andrew looks at her and points to the car. "If I ever catch you around her again, I'll kill you, Jonas!" He said threatening me. He gets in the car and drives off flinging gravel in my face. I just sit there dazed and confused. I bring my hand up to my mouth and feel the blood coming from my lip. I was busted wide open. I get up and start walking back to Ben's house, realizing my assumptions about Andrew were right. At least, I'm more sure of it now than I was before. I get back to the house and Derrik is sitting on my tailgate. He looks upset. "Woah, what happened to you?" He asks me. I look back at him, "Andrew, that's what happened." I said sitting next to him. There's a moment of silence before Derrik lets out a sigh and tells me the truth. "Yeah, about that. I told Andrew where you guys were." He said shakily. I look at Derrik with disappointment. "You what?" I exclaim. He gets off the tailgate looks at me trying to defend his case "I didn't mean to, I was drunk and thought I was talking to Ben!" Derrik exclaims. "I'm sorry J." He said apologetically.

Part of me is angry with him, but another part of me understands that when you're drunk you don't completely realize what you're doing. I get down and put my hand on Derrik's shoulder. "It's okay, I know you wouldn't have said anything being sober. It was an accident." I said trying to show Derrik, I forgive him. He looks up at me, with disgust on his face. "You could've been hurt worse, and it would've been my fault." He said. I'm silent for a moment. Truthfully, Derrik is right, but at the same time he's also wrong. If I wouldn't have provoked Andrew, I wouldn't have gotten my lip busted open. "Truthfully, it's a little bit of fault on both our ends, you told him where I was, and I provoked him. So, the blame isn't all on you." I say reassuring Derrik. I suggest to Derrik we go back to my place to talk about the situation. We leave a note for Ben saying we had a good time but went home. I grab my keys from the bin, Derrik and I get in my truck and head for my apartment. Meanwhile, I can't stop thinking about what happened. Cassidy is in danger, and I need to save her from Andrew, before he hurts her again, or he does something worse.

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