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(Back to y/n's pov)

Jeff lays behind me, I can hear the worry in his voice but I'm really tired of this shit. Tears start to fall down my face, Hurt is the only thing I can feel. I don't know if he does this on purpose but I'm done with it. 

"babygirl, please answer me" Jeff whispers in my ear, holding me tightly next to him. 

"What do you want me to tell you Jeffery" I say coldly, I hope he couldn't hear the tears or sadness. 

Jeffs body shifts over in front of me, I turn quickly but hes got me pinned, he can now see my red face, tears drying on my face. Guilt all over his face. god what do I do now.

"baby doll, I'm so so sorry, this won't happen ever again unless you need more okay. hell I'll go buy you toys if I'm not enough for you." He cries....he has tears falling from his face "Please darling, forgive me, what do I have to do" 

"you have a few options" I tell him

"anything" he says, I sit up and he moves with me so hes not forcing me to be trapped underneath him. 

"The shit with your friends needs to fucking stop, I can't handle, my body can't handle it anymore so either it stops or we can't see each other anymore." I look into his eyes so he knows I'm serious.

"yes ma'am, it all stops, now its just me and you, no one else okay" he strokes the tears off my cheek gently, a small smile appears on my face.

"also about your toy comment" I start but I look away "you're big enough but if you want to experiment and use them to play then we can" I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear, and clearly that doesn't have to be loud. 

"anything for you sweetheart. and I mean you want to go out in a bit, whatever and wherever you wish." 

".....can we go to cheesecake factory please" I asked him with the eyes he cant say no to

"Go get your cute butt ready" he smiled and turned his head to the closet

and with that I ran off to go get into a decent outfit, nice and neat but not dressed up, I feel bad for the ultimatum I gave him, and granted I enjoyed it the first few times but this is excessive I love him and all but inthink everything has its limit, and this was mine.

As I'm putting my makeup on in my bathroom I hear a small knock on the door

"Babygirl, you almost ready" Jeff says, he doesn't enter

I open the door and hes wear a tight black shirt and a great pair of black skinny jeans making him look fine as hell

"Yes, I'm ready let's go my ass wants a fat piece of cheesecake" I say and slide past him ...or try...he grabbed my waist before I could get far.

"Hey hey where you goin baby, looking like that without letting me get a good look at you"

"It's only a black jumper hun"

"Yeah a nice tight one, showing off whats mine ...I love it, grab your jacket and let's go" he said giving my butt a gentle tap on his way out. I grab my cropped black jacket and follow behind him excited to go to the cheesecake factory. I haven't been there in ages

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