a short story

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DISCLAIMER: slightly offensive launguage

It's him. I can see him from across the room. In a black tux, ladies on each arm. Grinning like a damn drunk man. For all I know, he could be drunk. I sigh and try to walk away, but he begins to pursue me. I grit my teeth and quickly blend in between the dancing men and women, grabbing a random lord by the bowtie, suggesting a dance. He smiles at me, but I don't feel anything. 

Smiling nonchalantly back, I began to dance with him. We twirl and weave through the crowd, spinning elegantly, my dress billowing around me, the layers of skirts flowing. The violin dramatically drops in tone, and he holds my waist as I drop. I barely miss his polished shoes on the way back up, stepping to avoid them. 

He holds me tighter, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, but I ignore it, trying not to look at Atlas. I lean in and I can feel his breath on my neck, heavy and intoxicating. "Where did you learn to dance, my lady?" He whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver, and not in a good way. "Self taught." I smile back.

He twirls me around and around, pulling me in again. "What say we leave this place?" I giggle at that, trying to mask my panic. I just meant to make Atlas leave me alone, not catch myself in a dangerous scandal. "You don't even know my name." He just grins. "Why not tell me then? Mine's Santos." Shit. Santos Winters. I came here to assassinate him. SHIT. I try to pull away but he grabs me tight, whispering lowly. "I know why you're here, Sai. You came to kill me." I ground my teeth even harder. I decide to play along. " Fine. How did you know it was me?" He laughs. "They told me the assassin was incredibly beautiful." He drags the word out with a tone that would make other women weak in the knees. I stay stoic. He narrows his eyes. "Now, are you coming with me, or... Would you prefer a spectacle?" 

I close my eyes as he presses my back against his chest, extending my arm. I look down at the floor. "Come now, we don't have to do this. I could just kill you quietly and there would be no suspicion. Don't underestimate me, Santos." He doesn't show any sign of shock at my words, leaving me uneasy. "Now Sai, what if I said that I had over fifteen guards in here to take you down if you tried anything? I did calculate this, you know. I know that Atlas is your enemy, and I knew you would find someone to dance with to evade him." I step on his toe. "Nice calculations. But don't talk to me about things I already know." 

Before I can bluff further, he pulls me away from the dancing people and onto a balcony. He lets me go, shoving me forward and taking a gun out of his jacket, aimed at my head. I bite my tongue. This wouldn't end well if I did it wrong. I stand there until I take a step forward, twisting my body so the leg above my knee is revealed. I would have to honey trap him. 

"Are you sure about this? I could benefit you in so many ways..." His gaze wavers slightly. So I was right. He isn't a cold blooded killer, like me. I keep moving, nearly past the gun, entrancing him. "I could kill you right now." He says, trying for an intimidating tone. Maybe that was the aura he was giving off a few minutes ago, but now he's just a man. I slide my finger along the gun. "So could I. But I haven't." He lowers the gun slowly, mercy overtaking. I feel the urge to laugh at his weakness. Now to finalise the trap. Kill the victim. I reach around his broad shoulders and I can feel him shiver. When his attention is away from my other arm, I grip my dagger. He leans in to kiss me but I raise my arm, along with the gleaming dagger. 

Before I can kill Santos, a knife flies in between us, twirling in the moonlight. Atlas. Santos collapses, the gleaming knife embedded in his skull. I turn to him and he kicks the bloody body over the edge of the balcony. Rage immediately overcomes me. His tux is loose and the bow tie undone. It actually suits him. 

I shake the thought off and yell. "That was my kill." He looks at me, small splatters of blood and an amused look on his face. "Yours? Sure didn't look like it, by the appearance of that encounter." I raise my eyebrow in disgust. "You were watching me?!" I storm forward, dagger pointed at his throat. He grabs my arm. "Hm. Did he cut you?" I look down and notice the small incision in my arm. "Huh. No. Must have been my dagg- No, never mind. What is really bothering me? The fact that you had the audacity to come here when you knew i would be here, then proceeded to follow me, oh, and- STOLE MY KILL!" My voice raises at the last words. He doesn't do so much as blink at my outburst. 

Towering over me now, his broad shoulders tighten. "I didn't know you would be here, Amica mea. My my, so much fury." I frown. "What does that mean, Atlas?"

He just smiles. Muttering curse words under my breath, I open the glass doors leading back to the ballroom. He grabs my arm again, stopping me. "One dance, once dance is all I ask, Amica mea." I scowl at the name. His face tries to be serious, but his eyes plead with me.

I take his rough hand.

We danced in silence for a bit, the music muffled and drowned inside. But when the song finishes, he asks me a question. "Did he touch you?" I can tell by the tone of his voice that his teeth are ground together, just like mine when Santos found out who I was. He was... Concerned? I frown. This is unlike Atlas. I smile up at him, this time a real one. "No, he didn't touch me." I feel his body relax, and I smile wider. What is this man doing to me? Isn't he my enemy?

His black hair covers his eyes when he twirls me around, neck tattoo flexing. I hold my breath. What is happening? He stole my kill. I should be mad. Why aren't I mad? My heels click against the concrete, the only noise heard after. I feel a drop of water fall on my head, and look up. The sky is dark, but I can tell it's going to rain. "Oh no!" I cry out when the downpour begins to set in. I run over to the doors, separating myself from Atlas, and finding they are locked. I widen my eyes at the servant inside. He just grins at me. I bang my fists against the glass menacingly, and he runs off. "Oh come on!" I hear a low laugh from behind me and smack Atlas. But a smile creeps its way onto my face. We laugh together and I reach for him but slip on the wet pavement. Before my face can collide with the ground, strong arms steady me. I look up and get to my feet. We look at each other for a few minutes before he leans down and I kiss him. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, and the rain soaks us as we embrace each other. It gets more and more intense and I grip him tighter until we pull apart. "What's wrong with me?" I whisper into the rain. He kneels in front of me, taking my hands. "Nothing. You're perfect. That's why I love you. And why I'm sorry." Those are the last words I hear before I collapse to the ground.

--------------------------------------THE END :)------------------------------

authors note: would you like a part two? what do you think happened? is he lying when he says he loves her? this is all up to you in the end, dear reader. 

xo, -ciepie

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