Aiza [prologue]

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He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl...
And I know gender doesn't really makes a difference.

Yes, I like him. He's my childhood crush and until now, he remains as he is.
I haven't really fell in love, not like the way I speak now it's different. I know that he's just my old puppy crush but the thing is, he still is. And what's scaring me is, I still like him and the way I liked him before has never changed.

It's always like this and has always been like this. Sneaking out of somewhere, hiding behind something just to see him or rather his face... nothing has ever changed. I've tried configuring something to myself and racked my brains why.

I don't know.
He's one boy that I'll never be able to replace.
He remains as he is.

He's just my old puppy crush and the only thing I liked about him.
Is his face...

I barely know anything about him. It just happened in the 5th grade when he was a transferee and I was late for school and I became his seatmate and when I looked at his face...

Fireworks exploded in my stomach that did it's cartwheels.
He did say Hi, and I never managed to reply hello, because I'm embarrassed, ashamed in fact that an existence like me saw someone like him.

And since then I've been avoiding him, as much as I can but at the same time trying to get near to him secretly, hiding and sneaking just to see him out or practice for his basketball games.

And when I go home, I sigh.
Thinking of him.

And what's even scary, is that I'm dreaming of him. So since then, I've told myself to stay away completely as much as possible and take him as a bad influence.

But the thing is, now that I'm a highschool student and socialization in a community is a demand, meeting up with him and running circles is very inevitable, but I don't worry

Because I do have a good self composure and I keep a calm face. People say that because I'm so much calm, it makes me expressionless... harder to read than anybody else.

But it's a good thing at least he won't be able to know anything.

So he's just a boy
And I'm just a girl...

And we're both in the same school,
Living in the same neighborhood,
Have mutual friends but...

Nothing changes about us.

Coz I'm the same girl who hides well and peeks at him secretly, without him knowing.
And he's the same boy who knows completely nothing about me, except for my name.

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