School chapter 3

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Y/n Pov

It was early I woke up brushing my hair and my teeth fixing my uniform "mom are you sure we are supposed to wear this? " I yelled "yes you don't want to break the rules on your first day"
I sighed why did it have to be a skirt I looked at my mirror I went outside I saw dre covering his black eye yesterday I walked towards him "morning peanut"he said " you should go lighter on the foundation " I said fixing his black eye up covering it with a cap

In the school waiting for mrs. Po we waited "ah ms. Parker "she looked at us "we only wear uniform on uniform day" I side-eye my mom "I told you so" I mumbled "what was that? " I flinched "nothing" "oh and we don't allow the cap" oh no I thought I looked around for a bit until I met eyes with a certain someone the boy from the park we made eye contact he smirked I shook my head I looked back at them "do you want me to guide you to your class" "mom were not kids anymore we can go on our own" dre said grabbing my hand little did I know someone was watching them "I love you " dre was annoyed but I wasn't " I said I love you" he sighed "I love you too! " i yelled

"Oh come on its the first day and we don't even have one class together " I chuckle "it's normal dre" I said we arrived at my class "I love you dre" I said he walked back "I said I love you" "you know you sound like mom" I rolled my eyes "fine I love you too peanut! " I went inside of the class
"Everyone meet y/n parker now be nice to her" I took a deep breath "hi everyone my name is y/n parker I hope we can all be friends" I held my breath "why don't you go sit next to.. Cheng"

I looked around to see the boy I guess his cheng I walked over and sat down I hated this so much I swear to God "ah so your the girl from the park" he whispered I didn't answer he pulled my hair "don't ignore me" I rolled my eyes and kick his leg "what do you want jackass" I said in Japanese he looked confused "what? " I rolled my eyes

It's finally lunch I grabbed tray next to dre dre was trying to pick up some food in chopstick when a girl came and touch his hair dre flinched "hey" they both said I chuckled at the cuteness they would be the cutest couple in the planet "you know we only wear uniform on uniform day " the girl said

"Yeah we totally got that one " the girl helps dre with his food I was really happy that she help dre because since the park accident "your the girl from the park am I right" I said she looked surprise " yes I'm Meiying you most be Y/n right dre's sister? " I nooded "yes how did you-" she answered quickly "he told a lot about you" I smiled we both put our tray up on the counter and waited "sorry about cheng" I was disgusted when she said his name "oh so that's his name" dre said "yeah he's also in my class unfortunately" dre took his attention to me "what? " dre sounds overprotective

"Dre I'm fine he didn't even did anything" I lied he did
"Is he your boyfriend" dre said to Meiying "what no our parents are close but not us" she said "he seems to like you more yk" I said
She walked away "I have to go practice" she said "wait you're eating while you practice " she nooded " our mom says if you stand up while eating you get gas " she chuckled "your funny" and walked away

I picked my tray "falling in love dre~? " I said teasingly

Hola guys this is another chapter this is really tired because I have a big exam tomorrow so wish me luck and I will try to make more love y'all so much like comment and fav this chapter if you guys want words found 682 words!

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