These events have not happened in real life and I do not own these characters. This is a fanfic for fun. (I take requests)
The boy got up from his bed and picked up his phone. Once he saw the time he was in a panic
"Damnit I slept in!" He says to himself
"Sweetie! Are you awake? You're gonna be late for your hangout if you don't come down here in 20 minutes!" A woman yells from downstairs
"I'll be there in a few minutes mom!" The boy replies
He starts to get ready very quickly and packed his bag. He then starts to head downstairs with his bag on his shoulder.
"Hey mom, no time for breakfast or I'll be late!" He says
"What do you mean, Justin? It's only 8:27." The boy's mom says in return
"What? Ugh, I guess one of my friends change the time." Justin says sitting down at the table
"Oh what were their names again? I know Ryan and Kane. Was there another one?" Justin's mom asks
"Yes, there's Ryan, Kane, and Sebastian." He answers finishing his food
Justin got up from his seat and headed to the sink. He then turned on the faucet and began to wash his dish.
Soon afterward, a car pulled up to the drive way and honked.
"Oh, dear you go with your friends, I'll wash the dishes." Justin's mom says scooting Justin away
"Ok, fine." Justin groans. "Bye mom, love you." He says walking out the door
|| Hello, I'm the narrator, and I will help with introductions for the characters. Justin Phan is a High School senior. Part of the popular group, has the most followers and is the smile of the group. He's like the official group photographer, is a player, and is Bi. His friends sometimes call him JP. The popular group is Justin Phan, Ryan Nguyen, Kane Ratan, and Sebastian Moy. But everyone calls him Seb. The popular group is called the SojuSquad since they love to drink even though they are underaged. SojuSquad can sometimes be jerks, but on the inside, they're very nice. I will introduce everyone else later. ||
[Justin's POV]
I got in the car and sat down at my normal spot, which was the passenger seat. I was bored so I took my AirPods out and scrolled on TikTok.
After lots of driving my other friends get in the car. So I played some music on the radio and put my phone away. They started saying what's up or hi while dapping me up. After that, they sat down next to each other.
|| Back again. The SojuSquad are all seniors btw. Kane Ratan is the oldest of the group and recently joined 3 months ago. He is the wingman, the jock, and likes to joke around a lot. He is still questioning his sexuality. Ryan Nguyen is the second oldest of the group and is the second member of the SojuSquad. He is an introvert around strangers and hates physical touch. He is Bi but his preference is men. Sebastian Moy is the youngest of SojuSquad and the 3rd member. He likes to tease his friends and is overprotective of them. He is Straight (for now...) ||
"Anyways, Justin how's it going with that one guy? Has he found out yet?" Seb asks me
"Yeah he found out, but Felix is still clueless. Unless someone tells him." I reply
"Well if someone tells Felix, you're gonna have to find a new boy toy." Kane says
"I know." I say pouting. "So, where are we gonna eat lunch?" I ask
"Um, how about we make food? I saw an H-Mart on the way here." Ryan answers
(a/n: Ryan is driving, Justin in passenger seat, Kane behind Ryan, Seb behind Justin.)
Everyone agrees so we head to the store. Once we got there Kane ran and pulled a cart out. He came running back telling me to get inside. So I got inside. And I felt like royalty since I didn't have to walk.
A little bit later, I feel cramped. So I get out the cart and start walking. Then I make eye-contact with the cutest guys I will ever see. And I started to catch feelings for them.
"Justin, why are you staring at my brother and his friends? You're not catching feelings, are you? They're weird, so stay away from them." Seb says catching my attention
"Maybe I can play around with them. They go to our school, right?" I ask
"Yeah they go to our school. I wanna see the look on their faces when they find out they've been played." Seb answers. "Anyways, let's go to my house to make food."
"Yeah ok. But your brother isn't gonna be there, right?" Kane asks
"Um, he might be. But then Justin can get a head start on playing those three." Seb replies
"Ah, ok."
We all get back in the car after paying for the food and drive to Seb's house.
"My brother is home." Seb says as we pull up to the drive way
I get out of the car as they park and let them know I'm gonna say hi to Seb's brother. They all reply with ok as I walk in the door.
[3rd POV]
Justin goes over to Seb's brother taps him on the shoulder.
"Hi! You're hot, ya know." Justin says. "I'm Justin, nice to meet you." He continues giving him a smile
"Hi. I'm Oliver. But you can just call me Oli." He replies. "Are you one of my brother's friends?"
"Yes, how's you know?" Justin answers
"So you're the cute guy I saw at H-Mart." Oli says
"Yup, that's me. Anyways, you are really hot. Maybe we can go on a date sometime?" Justin asks him out
"Uh, sure. Here's my number," he says giving Justin a piece of paper. "be sure to text me cutie." Oli continued winking at him as he walked away
And with that, Justin officially had Oli in his hands.
(a/n: I'll introduce other people in the next chapter. Please give me ideas as well. I finally had motivation to make this, hooray! Anyways, I'm going to a con today and I'm so excited. Please send luck that my outfit won't turn trashy. Cya in the next chapter! :D)

I Need You In My Life [discontinued.]
Fanfiction|| Olegie x Jarren -In order, top to bottom^ -Top: Regie, second top: Oli, third top/second bottom: Darren, and bottom: Justin || Side ships: Sebryan || Requests are open! Also working on three other books based on this story, just different mai...