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(n.) the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night, evening serenity

"Hey did you know there's gonna be a new student?" The yellowish eyed boy said while leaning against the locker

"Yeah I heard they were hot" the other teen chuckled

"I could honestly care less if there's a new student or not" another one spoke as he shook his head.
"Loosen up sekido, you haven't even met them yet" the green one nudged his brother who had a scowl on his face.

"It's cause I DON'T want to meet them" the angered demon hissed causing his brother to laugh and pat his back

"What about you aizetsu what do you think about the new kid?" The yellow coloured teen asked as he moved away from the locker and began to put his arms around his brother.

"I don't know.." the boy shrugged as he kept his usual frown as he responded to his btother.

"KARAKU,UROGI!" A man with black hair and red glowing eyes shouted as he fumed with anger.

Both urogi and karaku sweatdropped
"Would you look at that, class is about to start see you later seki and aiz!"
Urogi said as he ran down the hall with karaku clinging on his back

The remaining two shook their head as they headed to their class

Y/N let out a nervous breath as she looked at the door, she shakily grabbed the handle to open the door.

"Ah hello you must be the new student?" The teacher said looking at you with an amused expression.
All of a sudden the classroom went silent as they looked over to your direction

Y/N nodded as she walked over to the teacher "well since you're new here
You might as well introduce yourself
To the class" the teacher said as he waited for your response

"My name is Y/N L/N
I just moved here from C/N"
You said with a nervous smile
As you internally pinched yourself for being nervous

"Ok go Sit besides akaza, Akaza raise your hand"the teacher said, then suddenly a guy with pink hair raised his hand

You rushed to your seat as you careful places your bag besides you

"Alright now that that's settled let's continue on with the le-" before the teacher could finish his sentence
Two teenage boys bursted into room
the class suddenly turned their attention to the two boys who were now standing there looking exhausted

"Karaku,urogi mind explaining why you're late?" The teacher spoke as he put his hands on hips while looking at the boys with a disappointment look

The boy in the right spoke
"Well we wouldn't be late if a Michael Jackson knock off didn't cha-"before he could finish his sentence he suddenly felt a harsh slap in the back of his head

"Ow! Dude what the hell!" He shouted as he glared at the boy next to him
"Shut the fuck up you're going to be in a McDonald's menu if you finish that sentence" the boy who had slapped him said then continued to look at the teacher
"Sorry teach something suddenly came up and we had to deal with right urogi?" The boy said who I assumed was karaku since the other one was said to be urogi who was glaring at karaku as he held his head
While nodding

The teacher sighed as he glared at them "just sit down" he said making the two boys grin at their attempt to escape detention actually worked
They then walked over to their seats

You shook your head and sighed looking at outside the window
'this is going to one hell of a school year'

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