Action words

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Actions -
Sprint -
Race, Dart, Rush, Dash, Hasten, Hurry, Scurry
Walk -
Creep, Stroll, Trudge, Amble, Plod, Saunter
Crawl -
go on all fours
Move on hands and knees
Give -
Offer, Permit, Present with, Provide with, Supply with
Take -
Remove, Extract, Confiscate, Pull, Get hold of
Rub -
Work, Apply, Massage, Knead, Stroke, Pat
Movement -
Motion,Gesture, Gesticulation, Activity, Beckon, Wag, Swing, Move up and down/move left and right, Shake, Flutter, Flick, Swipe,twitching
quivering, fluttering, darting, flapping, trembling, agitated
squint eyes -
peered, peeked, peeped, leered, glinted, squinted
Sit -
flump, collapse, perch, flop, sink down, take a chair
Laying -
lean back, lounge, bask, sprawl, rest, lie back, lie down, recline
Sleeping -
crashed, dozing, dreaming, drowsing, lounging
Hand gestures -
Salute, High five, Pointing, Hand shake, ILY sign, Wave, Facepalm, Scout sign and salute, Finger gun, Index finger point, Thumbs up/down

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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