☆ Chapter 1

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☆  First Person's POV ; Y/N

' It's a lovely day today! No rain, no traffic, nothing can get in my way! ' I thought to myself, smiling brightly.

People I passed looked at me awkwardly, noticing it I stop smiling. Blushing softly from embarrassment.

' God! They must think I'm crazy! '

But who cares!? I got a new job after months of unemployment! And this company this big! Like REALLY big! Half of the earth knows their brand.

My salary will be off the roof! Though, I need to be a regular to seem appealing to my seniors.. But they say being yourself is best, right?

Stopping, I would look at the tall building in front of me. Taking a deep breath as I walk to the entrance. Slowly opening the door as I enter the establishment.

" Hey! Hey you! H/C haired girl! Over here! " A voice yelled from the front desk, waving her hands for my attention. 

I came closer, nervous as she would scan my face, humming to herself.

" You must be our new employee! Nice to meet you, my names Yumeno Takahashi. I take your attendance, give your salary, send you your paper work, talk to you, and be your best friend! So, what's your name? " She asks, her smile was gentle and welcoming.

" I'm Y/N L/N! I'm new here and uhm.. Nice to meet you too, Miss Takahashi.. " I answer, shyly.

She would let out a gentle chuckle. She leaned on the counter propping her face on her hand. " Please, call me Yumeno.. After all, we'll greatest of friends, right? Y/N~ ♡ "

I blush.. God, her voice is like candy!

" Of course! Uhm.. Do you know where my office is..? " I ask, as I feel my palms sweating.

" Of course I do, your Office is on the second floor, A3. " She said, handing me a folder.

" This is what you need to do on your first day, not much to do really. You're free to roam whenever you're done! " She smiled.

I took it, smiling back softly.

" Thank you! I'll see you later, Yumeno! " I say, hurrying to the elevator.

" Let's grab some lunch later, yeah!!? " She yelled, waving.


After I got to the second floor, I quickly found my office. Its near the elevator.. No shit sherlock, its literally the third door.

I would enter my office, looking around. It was a nice and comfy place. Air conditioning and a view of the city.

' Alright.. Let's see what I have to do.. ' I thought to myself, opening to folder.

' Employee's first day! ~ ☆

• Fill out the paper provided on your desk, we need it to contact you about business, and to know if you're the one being sick or not.

• After filling it out. Have a snack, the cafeteria is on the first floor.

• Soon enough, a goofball will find you and show you around the establishment.

That's all! I hope you enjoy working with us!

- Yumeno Takahashi '

' Wow.. Is it that easy on my first day? I thought I was gonna do much more paper work than one! ' I thought to myself, sitting comfortably on my new chair as I fill out the paper.


I had made my way to the cafeteria after finishing the paper. There were around six to eight people. Some minding their own business, some talking.. Maybe gossiping!

Eh.. Who cares..

I made my way to the counter, toasting some buttered bread. Grabbing a plate to put cheesy scrambled eggs and sausages on it, waiting for my toast and coffee.

The toast would come out, putting them on my plate as I turn to reach for the jelly packets, a face jump scared me. I would jump back, throwing my hands in the air out of instinct.

" Get away! " I yell, making the other employees turn their attention to me.

I would blush slightly, straightening my posture.

" S-sorry.. " I say as they continue their business.

I would turn to the person that scared me. They had white hair, red eyes and.. Horns? Maybe they're fake.. I did notice a lot of employees here have horns or ears.. Cosplay week?

" You're the new girl right? " She asked. Turning her head.

I would nod as I took my plate and coffee to a table. Eating my.. 'Snack'.

" Great! Name's Hayden Takanobu! The greatest oni in this building! " She said confidently as she pointed at herself.

" I'm— "

" You must be Y/N L/N! No no no! I'm not a stalker to know your name, just had to ask a cousin about you.. " She said, giving me a gummy smile.

" After your snack, I'll tour you. We can talk about some stuff too! I wanna know more about you! " She said, getting closer as she leaned on the table.

Oh so this is the Goofball.. I kinda see it.

" Sure, just let me finish. " I say.

Finishing my snack after like 30 minutes.. This girl kept saying how great she is and stories about her sisters..

" You're done? Let's go! Go! GO! " She yelled excitedly as she took my hand and ran off, dragging me along.


Achievements Unlocked

☆  Sweet Sweet Eye Candy ; Befriend Yumeno

☆  Miss Goofball ; Befriend Hayden

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠 ☆ Oc x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now