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Tuesday, 20 April 2027

I was walking through the streets of the small country going to the café where I planned to meet with my best friend. While walking I took my time to admire the environment around me. It was finally the best time of the year, spring had entered some weeks ago and the weather accompanied it. Walking through the city was now pleasant.
Approaching the place I stopped as I saw a small animal descending from a tree. I took out my phone from the bag I was wearing today and took a picture of the adorable squirrel that stood still on the lower branches of the tree.

- Hey Malena! I'm already here- I hear my friend calling me from the café as my thoughts vanished.

- Gala, How is it going?- I asked enthusiastically while reaching the table she was seating at.

- Well enough, enjoying the last few weeks before my uni finals start.

When she mentioned that topic we got lost talking about subjects and classmates at university for some time. The waitress approached our table not wanting to interrupt our chatter.

A hot chocolate is what I ordered every time I had breakfast at a café here in the city. And this time wasn't going to be less. Hot chocolate is in my opinion the best drink you can have there.

- I don't know how you manage to have the time to study and work at the same time.- Gala said changing the previous topic - I hardly ever have time to look after Roma.- Roma is her dog. A beige colored pomeranian that I sometimes looked after when Gala was really busy.

- Oh, I just remembered. I had to ask you something - I said getting a curios look from my friend- This weekend is the f1 Grand Prix here in Monaco, and I have to do some photoshoots and stuff for work and cause they have kind of a partnership with a team they gave me paddok passes for the full weekend. The thing is, are you coming with me or do I have to look for someone else?

- Of course I'm going with you! How could I miss an experience like that! You only live once- she answered excitement growing in her.

- Perfect then.- I finished taking a sip of my hot chocolate before getting my phone to text my agent about Gala's answer.

The morning followed its course calmly. After spending some time with my friend I went back home to rest. On the afternoon I had a meeting at Armani just to inform me about a couple things.

Laying on my sofa I mentally debated wether to cook food myself. The other option was ordering pizza but at the end I decided to look after my health and got up to prepare something. I came up with a great looking salad that tasted as good, easy peasy.

Then I tidied up my room an got dressed a bit nicer for work. Bootcut jeans and a cute white shirt with the over sized blazer I was wearing this morning. I put on a pair of converses and exited home with my bag hanging from my shoulder.

I arrived at the company's offices just in time and went inside greeting the receptionist and walking straight into the meeting room on the third floor. Once there I found some familiar people as well as some I didn't know. I greeted Charles Leclerc who I had worked with before and was there for the shoot too. I also noticed this guy, I hadn't seen him before and was sitting just in front of my empty seat and next to Charles. I sat down when the rest of the people entered and gave him a soft smile. He smiled back and the meeting started with our bosses introducing the topic.

- Good afternoon- started the director standing up and turning on a projector.

I'll sum it up. On Thursday was the photoshoot for the campaign. Then on Friday FP s started. The campaign will be released on Saturday morning, before qualifying. We also has some media scheduled for us in the paddock that day. On Sunday we had the opportunity to watch the race from the boxes. And what mostly grabbed my attention was the after party, we also had access to it. The meeting hadn't even finished and I was already thinking about what to wear.

It didn't last long and after it we all went downstairs to the lounge and had a drink there. Company director and the rest of the staff talked together about business I guess. So I went with another girl I knew from previous times.

- Hi girls!- said Charles when he saw us walking through the room.

- Hi, How are you?- I said starting a conversation.

- You two haven't meet my new team mate yet right?- we both said no.- You have to meet him!He's a nice guy and a better driver. Working with him is just amazing.- Charles said introducing the boy that was next to him who had slightly blushed at his mates words.

- I'm Oliver, well most people here call me Ollie.- he said smiling and shaking my hand.

- Oliver, nice to meet you. I'm Malena - I smiled back introducing myself too.

Once we had met everyone we continued with the conversation with the two f1 drivers.

Some time after I went back home feeling a bit excited for the days ahead.

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