He doesn't know why he's doing this.
There's a 50% chance Eric will open the door and punch him in the face.
There's a 50% chance Erica will open the door and punch him in the face.
Maybe Kendra's there, she'd definitely punch him.
His ex girlfriend would definitely punch him too if she answers.
Everyone is mad at him and he knows why.
But he chooses to knock on the door and take whatever punch may come.
Erica opens the door but lucky for Kyle, her hands are full with ice cream.
She looks like a heartbroken mess, which makes sense considering Stacy had been cheating on her and this was revealed the other night.
"Hmm...I'd punch you, but Eric and Kendra want to see who can punch you first so I'll let them figure it out," she says, letting him come in and leading him to the kitchen.
"Is anyone else here?" Kyle asks as he sits at the kitchen table.
Erica huffs. "Mom's working, Kylie was here like ten minutes ago but she's off now, my brother stayed at Kenny's last night. So you're lucky, just me."
"...how is Kylie?"
"Think back to last night and let that answer your question, because other than no longer crying? Basically the same as last night, you fucking asshole."
Yeah, that's deserved.
She shoves another scoop of strawberry flavour ice cream in her mouth before she speaks again. "I've been her sister a lot longer than you've been her brother, let's make that clear right now. Ten years at North Park against eight at South Park, plus the whole being in hospital together during covid thing?"
"Yep, got it."
"So, with that out of the way...you should leave her the fuck alone from now on. Like the amount of people who want to punch you definitely includes her, and if I didn't have ice cream and a broken heart then I'd probably punch you."
"...is there nothing I can do to fix what I did?"
Erica shrugs. "This is new territory. I mean, we fight literally all the time but it's different when your brother ruins the thing you've been working your ass off for the last couple years and means you're stuck in the town your other brother died for the next two years."
Remembering Ike is always painful, but especially when it's used against him and even more so because she's right.
She goes on. "Kylie's gonna be working the next two years to get where she wants to be and you're gonna spend these next two years learning to cope with the fact you can't control everything."
It's a hard truth to face, but it's necessary.
"And I know, it's terrifying not being able to control everything. It's terrifying when you think about how uncontrollable the future is, how everything is. And this is coming from the girl who watched her best friend almost die in front of her."
Erica pauses to eat more ice cream. "So, here's how this is going to go. You're going to never do anything like that again, and leave Kylie alone until she's feeling less 'want to kill you when I see you' type way."
"Give her time and space, and maybe worry about how you're going to make it up to Henrietta, the ex girlfriend who dumped you that night."
Also fair, and sadly true.
"Alright, get out of here before anyone else gets here and punches you."
"Thanks, Erica."
"I know, I'm great, you're welcome."