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India woke up and looked around the room. She blushed at the night she had. It was a little to exciting. She heard snoring from beside her. She looked at Justin. His hair was messed up, he had marks on him, hickey marks, scratch marks. India got out of bed but soon regretted it. Her butt still hurts from the other night. She took a deep breath and got up quickly lookin for her robe. She took Justin's and wrapped it around her. She slowly made her way downstairs and grabbed the house phone to order food. She order some chinses food and waited. The doorbell rang she got up and opened the door to be faced with...well not Chinese food


Hello babes I really hope you liked this preview yeah but I need help you see I have this book that I wanna publish in like the next four hours and I need some help cause I need a name for the book. It your usual best friend Justin bieber book. But it's interracial. And I don't know what to name it. Please help me !!! Babies I need a name . So yeah coent your stories name and tell me what you think of the preview

Sugar Daddy ✦J.B interracialWhere stories live. Discover now