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It had been nearly three days since Addison had first come to Charming

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It had been nearly three days since Addison had first come to Charming. She had already grown close to not only Wendy but also Gemma and the members of SAMCRO in that short length of time.

Addison really liked both Wendy and the SAMCRO matriarch a lot. They were like mother hens towards her especially Wendy.

The two women honestly reminded her of not only Esme Cullen back in Forks but also Sue Clearwater, the mother of her two friends from the La Push reservation outside of Forks, Leah and Seth.

Like both Esme and Sue, Wendy and Gemma were both very motherly towards the fourteen year old.

Wendy had even taken her out shopping at a couple of the local shops in Charming her second day in the small town after realizing that the teen didn't really have much when it came to clothes.

The outfit that Addison was currently wearing was actually one of the ones that Wendy had helped her get.

The outfit that Addison was currently wearing was actually one of the ones that Wendy had helped her get

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She really liked the outfit a lot. It was cute and stylish but also very comfortable at the same time.

Back to the present though.

Addison was currently sitting at the bar inside the clubhouse sipping on a Coke. She and Wendy had come to the auto shop earlier due to some issue that the older blonde was having with her car. Addison had decided to come sit inside the clubhouse for a bit and Wendy was in the office chatting with Gemma while one of the guys was checking out her vehicle.

"Who the hell are you?"

Addison was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of a female voice. She turned to see some unknown blonde standing behind her, dressed in some skimpy looking outfit with her hands on her hips.

"I'm Addison. I-I'm here with Wendy."

Just then, Sarah entered the clubhouse and told the blonde whose name Addison still didn't know the name of that she needed to leave Addison alone if she knew what was good for her.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll be beating your ass again. I don't give two shits if you're banging my brother or not, Ima. I'm not gonna let your nasty ass mess with Addison. She's SAMCRO royalty just like me and I'm not gonna stand by and allow you to disrespect her."

The blonde who Addison now knew to be named Ima let out a loud scoff..

"She's SAMCRO royalty, huh? How is that exactly?"

If looks could have killed, Addison was certain that Ima would be dead and buried just by the way Sarah was glaring at her.

"Not that it's any of your business, bitch, but she's actually Chibs' kid. Now either shut the hell up or you can get the fuck out of here. My mother may seem scary when she's pissed off but keep in mind that I'm a hundred times worse when I'm pissed off."

Ima simply nodded her head before walking away. Sarah watched her go for a few seconds before she turned to Addison, apologizing for what had just transpired between her and Ima.

"No worries. So, Chibs is my dad huh? I guess that means the test results came back."

"Yeah. Sorry for spilling the beans on that for you. Wendy actually wanted to be the one to tell you herself. I was just trying to find a way to make sure that bitch Ima would definitely leave you alone."

Addison assured the older girl that everything was all good.

"Why don't we head over to the office now? There was actually something else that Wendy wanted to talk with you about regarding the test results. She asked me to come get you and bring you over to the office."

Addison felt a bit confused as she followed Sarah out of the clubhouse and across the lot towards the office. She felt even more confused when she entered the office. She saw a very emotional looking Wendy sitting on the couch that was in the office.

The 14 year old could immediately tell that Wendy had been crying mere minutes before she and Sarah had walked in. She honestly couldn't help but feel somewhat worried about what exactly might have happened that would cause the older woman to be in this state.

"Wendy? Is-is everything okay? Sarah said you wanted to talk about something to do with the DNA test results. "

Wendy used her hand to wipe away the tears that were still trickling down her cheeks before standing up and walking over to stand in front of Addison.

"Addison, honey. Something pretty huge was revealed to us in the test results. It's actually something that is pretty amazing in my eyes."

Gemma who had been sitting silently at her desk this entire time spoke up saying that the teen might possibly want to sit down for what they were about to tell her.

"Just tell me already. What is it that you found out?"

Wendy and Gemma exchanged a brief look with each other before turning back to Addison.

"Do you remember how I told you about my daughter who was taken from me by someone when she was just a little over a year old, Addison?"

Addison nodded her head even though she was kind of confused about what exactly Wendy's missing daughter had to do with her and the test results.

It took a minute or so but it finally clicked in her mind. She looked at Wendy who she saw had tears welling in her brown eyes once again.

"It-it's me, isn't it? That-that's what you're trying to tell me, right?"

Wendy nodded her head, tears now falling down her face once again.

"Addison, you're not Renee's daughter. You never were. You're actually my daughter. "

A/N: Dun dun dun!

Addison is actually Wendy's daughter!

Anyone who saw that twist coming?
If you did, congrats on guessing it correctly!

How do you think Addison is going to handle this huge piece of news?

What about Charlie and the Cullens when Addison shares the news with them later?

Do you think Bella ever knew that her mother had taken Addison from Wendy before she left Charming all those years ago?

Please feel free to vote and comment below to let me know what you guys think!

I hope that you all have a great day/afternoon/night depending on where you may be, stay safe and remember that you are all amazing, beautiful and make sure to stay safe!!❤❤

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