Chapter 1: Introduction

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" A long, long time ago, a kingdom.
lived in peace..."

A flame lit, revealing an ancient scroll containing drawings of a small village.

"Believing they had nothing to fear.."

An illustration of a horse with a happy family surrounding the animal could be seen.

"But lurking in the shadows, was a great and terrible evil...""

A woman was stood in between a lining of trees, when glowing eyes appeared on either side of her.


"The monster attacked without

A drawing of a dragon could be seen firing flames out of its mouth onto the homes below...

"Laying waste to everything and
everyone in its path."

Through the flames, people are running trying to get to safety.

"But in that darkest hour, a hero
rose up."

The next drawing contained a long golden sword, where a man with blonde hair was holding it.

"His name was Gloreth."

The man was now facing forward exclaiming "go back to the shadows from whence you came!"

Illustrations of Gloreth slaying the dragon are shown

"Gloreth vowed that his people
would never be vulnerable again."

A light glowed, casting itself upon the village down below.

"So he trained an elite force of
knights and decreed that their
decendants would protect the
kingdom for generations to come."

An army stood above a wall with monsters attempting to break in.

"But if you want a happily ever after,
you can never let your guard down"

A pair of eyes glowed in the darkness.

"Because the monsters are always out

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