Supportive Hyungs (Part 1)

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Jk Pov

We are in the practice room with the members. We just took a short break before starting again. Because we are learning a new step in our song.

Voo and I were sitting in the corner while the other members were doing something.

"Voo, When are we going to tell them that we're in a relationship?," I asked him.

"Let's talk to Jin hyung and Suga hyung first. Let's tell them first so we know what to do," he said seriously.

I agree with Voo's decision. Because when it comes to serious things, we approach Suga and Jin hyung. Suga hyung is the one who fully understands Voo. He is very protective of Voo. Jin hyung is the one who understands me even though we always hurt each other and joke, he is very projective towards me.

Jimin hyung is also close to us. Voo's best friend, but he can't tell Jimin everything. It's better for the two of us who are older to know first so we know what to do.

Our dance practice was over so the members left one by one. And because Suga and Jin hyung are roommates, they will leave together. Only the four of us were left in the studio so we approached the two who were putting their things away.

"Hyungg," Voo called to the two of them.

"ohhh, are you still here? I thought you went out with the others?" Jin hyung asked in shock.

"We would like to talk to you?" Voo said with a hand on his neck. Suddenly the two's faces became serious and they looked at each other.

"It looks like we're going to talk seriously, sit down first," said Suga hyung. The four of us sat facing each other.

"What will we talk about?" Jin hyung asked.

Voo and I looked at each other and sighed before looking at the two. Voo held my hand. So they looked at our hand.

"Looks like we don't need to ask any more questions," Suga hyung said laughing and crossing his arms over his shoulder.

"Since when?" Jin hyung asked seriously.

"Jan 26 hyung," answered Voo. Voo answers everything. I feel anxious. It's all new to me and Voo. But among the two of us, Voo is the brave one.

"Do you know what you got yourself into? Do you know what will happen to the two of you if the company finds out?" Jin hyung said annoyed.

"Let's listen to them first," said Suga hyung.

I just bowed while they were talking. Because what Jin hyung said was right. There are consequences to our relationship. But what can we do? We love each other.

"Hyung, we told you this because we know you will understand us,"

"We understand V. But we don't want you to get hurt. We don't want you to receive hurtful words. We are in Korea and you know that is not allowed in our country,"

"Hyung, I love Voo," I answered because I couldn't take it anymore. He looked at me and sighed.

"From the very beginning we already felt that there was something special between you two, so I'm not surprised that you're in a relationship," said Suga hyung with a smile.

"Hyung, since those two need us more now, we're here to protect them, right?" Suga hyung said to Jin hyung.

"The other members need to know because you can't hide it forever. And we can still protect you," said Jin Hyung and sighed.

"Thank you Hyung, we really didn't regret confessing to you first," Voo said with teary eyes.

"You two know that we love you. We are happy for you. And I hope if you have a problem with each other, don't bring it to work," Suga hyung said.

They both stood up and hugged Voo and me. I couldn't hold back my tears because of the support they gave us.

"Ohh, don't cry Jk. As long as you two have a problem, talk about it and fix it. It's not easy to get into a relationship especially when you're famous," said Jin hyung and put his arm around me.

"And you, V, protect Jk because of the two of you, you are the strong one," SUga Hyung said to Voo.

After we confessed to both of them, it was as if a thorn had been pulled out of us. They also told us that it was up to them to find a way for the seven of us to talk. And also to know each other's opinion.

Voo and I are happy because there are people who are willing to protect us and understand us.

Voo and I just started our relationship. We still have many challenges to face and hopefully we will overcome them.

Suga and Jin hyung left first. Voo and I were the only ones left in the studio.

"Baby, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yes Voo, I'm even happy because we were able to say something about our relationship," I said with a smile. He came to me and touched my cheek.

"I will protect you baby, No matter what happened, I love you," he said while kissing me.

"I love you more Voo," I answered and hugged him tightly.


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