A boy!?.....

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A soft breeze brushed  a stray leaf trought the courtyard of the college. Sasaki watched distractly as it flit about, and landed close to his feet.

He turned back to the textbooks and homeworks scattered out in front of him on the table, and leaned back

'I'm never going to finish at this rate... ' He sighed. Slumping down onto the table, he rested his head on his mostly-empty notebooks. He lay there for a while, letting the breeze play with his air.

'Sasaki!' A familiar voice called  out from behind him . Sasaki didn't look, only closed his eyes .

'Ouch, are you ignoring me? I know you're not asleep,' Ugawa said, poking him in the shoulder.

'What do you want, Ugawa?' Sasaki grumbled.

'Aw, what's got you down, man? Though I guess you're not behaving that much different than when you're happy.'

'Cut it out.' Sasaki sat up, ruffling his orange hair, trying to make it sit normally.

'No, but seriously, what's wrong? Relationship troubles?' Ugawa asked as he slid into the spot next to Sasaki.

Sasaki sighed. 'No, they're on a school trip, currently.'

'A school trip? Oh, right, your girl's a kouhai— Wait, you're actually telling me??'

Sasaki gave Ugawa a glare that made him shiver. 'Oh, uh.. sorry.. But uh, it's nice I'm finally getting to hear about her! You should totally introduce us!'

'You've asked that before.'

'Yeah, but you turned me down last time!'

'Well this time's no different.'

'Ouch.' Ugawa leaned back in his seat, seeming to spot something. He waved to someone behind Sasaki, calling them over. 'Hey Harai! How are you!'

'Oh, I'm fine,' the girl replied, walking around to stand next to Ugawa. 'Hey, listen, if you're free later, do you wanna grab some food? Sasaki can tag along too.'

'Umm.. I don't know.. Oh! Wait!' He turned quickly to Sasaki. 'You can bring your girlfriend! I'm sure she'd love to meet some of your friends from college~!'

'Wow, Sasaki has a girlfriend?' Harai wondered aloud. 'The more you know.'

'Yeah, I know, right? Anyway, are you up for it, man?'

Sasaki gave Ugawa another look. 'Honestly, do I even get a choice?'

'Nope~! Come on!' Ugawa replied.

'Well anyway, it doesn't matter. Like I said, they're on a school trip.' Sasaki turned away, and started to pack up the mess in front of him.

'Wait, she's still in high school? Wow,' Harai said.

'Oh.. when does she get back?' Ugawa nudged Sasaki.

'This afternoon.. why am I telling you this?'

'This afternoon! That's perfect! I've got to meet her now,' Harai said, clasping her hands together and grinning.

'No way. They'll be tired.'

'You just don't want to introduce us, isn't that right?' Ugawa nudged Sasaki again. Sasaki glared at him.

A phone call stopped their conversation, and possibly saved Sasaki from answering any more questions. The three students checked their bags quickly, unsure who's phone was making the noise.

'Oh. It's mine,' Sasaki said, pulling out his smartphone. He glanced at the caller.

Ugawa and Harai were shocked when Sasaki suddenly stood up, holding the phone with both hands to answer, a tiny blush creeping up his cheeks.

'Woah. must be his girlfriend,' Harai whispered to Ugawa.

'I think so. He's so whipped,' Ugawa replied, giggling.

'Sasaki?' The person on the other side of the phone asked.

'Yeah, I'm here. How was your trip?' Sasaki answered, glad the other two couldn't hear the other end of the conversation as he grinned slightly. Ugawa and Harai exchanged glances.

'It was good. Listen. Remember the day you got a visitor's card so you could see me at school?'

'Uh, yeah? What about that?'

'I missed you, so I.. came to visit.'

'What?' Sasaki asked loudly, but the other person had already hung up.

'What's wrong, man?' Ugawa asked, 'Something up with your girl?'

'He's here.' Sasaki said distractedly.

'What?' Ugawa said, at the same time Harai asked 'he?'

Sasaki ignored them, and looked around frantically. He spotted something, and took off, waving. 'Miyano!' He called out. Harai and Ugawa turned around, curious to see what Sasaki's lover looked like. They were shocked to see, not a girl, but a boy.....

660 word:)

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