Nice to meet you!I'm Miyano!

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'Sasaki!' Miyano called out, hugging him as Sasaki reached him.

'Myaa-chan! How was your trip?' Sasaki asked, laughing.

'You already asked me that on the phone.'

'Yeah, but you didn't give me a proper answer!' Sasaki laughed, leaning down with his hands in his pockets, teasing the younger boy slightly.

'It wasn't really anything fancy. I can tell you about it later. I came because I missed you.'

'Missed me?'

'Yes!' Miyano laughed. 'Why are you surprised? You did the same thing when you missed me that day.' He waved his visitor's card around slightly.

Sasaki's shocked look abruptly disappeared, and he laughed loudly, bending over. Miyano stood in front of him, his face gradually growing a deeper shade of red. 'I suppose I did.' Sasaki said finally when his laughter subsided and he straightened up, still grinning.

Miyano glanced behind him. 'Oh, are those your college friends? Can I meet them?'

Sasaki looked over at Ugawa and Harai, the two deep in a heated conversation. When they spotted Sasaki glaring at them, they sat up straight and waved nervously.

'I don't think you should—' but Miyano didn't hear him, and jogged up to the two, where they still sat at Sasaki's table.

'Hello!' Miyano said, as they stared at him. 'I'm Sasaki's boyfriend. Are you guys friends?' He offered a small wave as Sasaki approached too, sighing.

'Uh.. hi!' Harai said, shoving Ugawa, who winced, and then also greeted Miyano. Sasaki glared at them both from behind his boyfriend, and they laughed nervously. Miyano turned to Sasaki. Ugawa and Harai were shocked to see Sasaki's expression change completely, from giving a death glare to smiling warmly at Miyano.

He really is completely whipped, they thought.

'Aren't you going to introduce us, Sasaki?' Miyano asked innocently.

'Uh, yeah. The guy is Ugawa, he's in most of my classes, I think I've mentioned him. The girl is Harai.' Sasaki said.

'...aren't you going to introduce us?' Ugawa asked, pointing at himself with a pleading look on his face. Miyano laughed.

'I'm Miyano! I'm a year younger than Sasaki, so I'm still in high school. It's nice to meet you two!'

'He's like.. the complete opposite of Sasaki..' Harai said distractedly, earning her another death glare from Sasaki and a forceful nudge from Ugawa.

Miyano laughed nervously, glancing up at Sasaki. 'You didn't tell them about me?' Miyano whispered.

'I didn't wanna tell them,' Sasaki sulked. Miyano giggled.

'Well, we knew Sasaki had someone—' Ugawa started.

'—but we didn't know he'd be as cute as you~!' Harai squealed.

'Excuse her, she's a real fujoshi. Yeah, he didn't say anything about the fact you were a guy.' Ugawa said.

'A fujoshi?' Miyano glanced at her. Her bag lay open on the table, and he spotted a familiar manga spilling out. 'Oh, I've read that one! It's about the college students, right? And they dorm together?'

Harai looked up at Miyano like he was her saviour.

'Oh, I-I'm sorry..' Miyano glanced away, blushing. Sasaki laughed.

'Hey! Miyano! We've been asking Sasaki to come with us for food! You wanna tag along?' Ogawa smiled.

'Oh, can we?' Miyano looked up at Sasaki with pleading eyes.

Sasaki grumbled, but said quietly, 'yeah, I guess...'

Ha! Caught in my trap. You can't say no to him, can you, Sasaki? Ugawa thought. Sasaki seemed to read his mind, and shot him yet another death glare.

Harai mumbled something next to them. 'He's so goddamn cute,' she mumbled. Miyano laughed nervously again, awkward at the slightly odd compliment.

'Shall we head out? We've finished classes for today, and I know this awesome cafe 'round the corner!' Ugawa suggested, again nudging Harai and changing the topic before Sasaki could give them yet another glare.

'Yeah! Let's go!' Miyano said enthusiastically, and the four of them left the college campus.

Sasaki grabbed Miyano's hand as they reached the college gates. Their fingers interlocked, and Sasaki leaned a little closer to Miyano as they walked. The two of them chatted, about Sasaki's day studying, and Miyano's school trip. Ugawa and Harai trailed along behind the couple, stealing glances and whispering to themselves.

As Sasaki snuck a kiss on his Myaa-chan's cheek, and Miyano protested with a red face as Sasaki giggled, it was both of the onlookers that mumbled, 'they're so goddamn cute~!'

eheh 685 words!(without counting this)

yeyyyyyyy I'm so proud of me! This is my first rewrited fanfic and I discovered this dont take very much time just a few hours if you want to rewrite it with your hands.

But I'm using my laptop so it is very much easy!

Eheh,bye guys! see you soon!

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