Chapter 52

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Originally, the director arranged a process for couples to interact, but now that Yunyin "sick" quits, Gu Tian did not leave, and became a single person, and the process was not suitable.

Anyway, there are not two days left, and enough material has been shot, the director simply followed the pattern of the last issue of Survival on a Deserted Island, intending to shoot more of their warm daily life.

Unexpectedly, the peace and harmony of the small village was disrupted the next day.

Early in the morning, Qu Wanwan received the courier package.

"Is there still a courier here?" She asked as she prepared to unpack the package.

Guan Ye handed her the scissors: "Usually they don't bring them in, you can only go out to the town to pick them up in a bullock cart, but I heard that some people outside spend more money, and they also deliver them to your door."

Gu Yufeng, who came out of the wash, took a look . Seeing the express box in her hand, he frowned: "Wanwan, wait a minute."

He walked over quickly and took the scissors in Qu Wanwan's hand, "I'll help you open it."

Qu Wanwan didn't know why he was nervous, she squatted aside and watched him unpacked the express, and the carton was carefully opened by him. After the plastic tape that sealed the box was cut, he lifted the two closed carton lids.

"Ah—" Guan Ye couldn't help screaming.

There are sharp blades stuck to the edges of the two covers.

It is conceivable that if the unpacking action was a little bigger and Qu Wanwan reached out to open the cardboard box, she would definitely be injured, and in severe cases, the tendons in her hands would be severed, so would she be able to play the piano in the future?

Gu Yufeng closed the cardboard box, his face sinking like water, "I let the director deal with it." "

Wait a minute." Qu Wanwan stopped him, "Show me what's inside the box?"

Gu Yufeng didn't want her to see it, but Qu Wanwan persisted, he had no choice but to open the box, and there was a dead pigeon inside. The pigeon's head was cut off, and only a thin layer of skin was attached, which looked very scary.

Qu Wanwan subconsciously picked up the scissors next to him.

When the guests heard about what happened here, they all came to comfort Qu Wanwan.

Shen Miao said softly: "The entertainment industry is like this. There are always some extreme fans who will act irrationally. You should be more careful." 

Everyone was surrounding Qu Wanwan to explain, and someone came to give Qu Wanwan something, but this time there was no courier box, but several huge posters, mounted in simple wooden frames, and brought over by someone.

Qu Wanwan looked at the poster and was stunned, "That'" The face was indeed hers, but they were all photos with strange poses...

She must have never taken such a photo herself, as for Qu Yuwan , it is also impossible.

Su Tong angrily tore up those posters, "It's all P's, don't mind this."

After the razor blade, the dead pigeon, and the photo, someone sent a wreath photo, and the guests were very angry , Gu Yufeng has already asked the director to borrow a mobile phone, and contacted Meng Yuan to check on these senders, and to formally sue these people.

While Qu Wanwan was angry, she was also somewhat rejoiced.

Although she got the male lead wrong at the beginning, the plot still went through strangely.

According to the plot, Qu Yuwan was harassed by crazy fans in the second issue of "All People's Love", and then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

Now it's time for her little cannon fodder's curtain call.

Leaving this world was a long-awaited thing, but for some reason, when it was time to leave, Qu Wanwan found that she was not as decisive as she imagined.

She was reluctant to part with this beautiful world, where there was no danger, and there were endless delicious food, and even this remote mountain village was richer than her previous world.

She also couldn't bear the people around her, Guo Pan, Shen Miao, Su Tong, Xingxing and Yehua brothers and sisters...

She couldn't bear Gu Yufeng even more.

"Teacher Gu..." Qu Wanwan called softly.

Gu Yufeng's eyes were closed tightly, and his long, crow-colored eyelashes drooped quietly, apparently in a deep sleep.

Qu Wanwan moved closer, and could almost feel the heat of his breath.

She sang a few more lullabies softly to ensure that Gu Yufeng could sleep more deeply.

"Mr. Gu..." She looked at his sleeping face and whispered, "I'm leaving, thank you for taking care of me during this time." 

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