012: The Round-Up set up

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I have been intentionally avoiding Colby for quite some time now, while still keeping an eye out for Oyxn. He attempts to interact with me each day, but I completely ignore him - even during class. In fact, I even switched my seat in English to distance myself from him. But I couldn't change the rest of my seats in class.

Meanwhile, after class, I got pulled to the side by one of my long-term friends even though I prefer to only stick to my mission.

"I apologize for alarming you, Mad-Dog," said Cupid, attempting to soothe my nerves.

"Why would you pull me here?"

"Hey there, just checking if you're planning to join us for tacos at the Round-Up. I've heard they serve the best ones around." Says Cupid.

"No way, Colby would take me to the round-up. It would hurt to see him there after being apart for so long."

"I'm sorry to hear that you have to miss out on the round-up for tacos. Understandably, you feel heartbroken about the breakup and it would be uncomfortable to go to his spot where you have many memories with Colby. It would be painful to see him there. Take your time to heal and don't feel pressured to do anything that doesn't feel right for you." Says Cupid supporting me.

Jessica rolls her eyes and tells me "Stop exaggerating. It's been weeks since you've seen him." She always pushes me out of my comfort zone, especially during tough situations. Meanwhile, Cupid supports my decisions and is willing to do whatever it takes to help me.

"Leave her alone Jessica. People process at their rate, you don't need to be insensitive!" Says Cupid. 

"I could say much worse, Cupid," Says Jessica annoyed.

As they argued, I attempted to process the multitude of thoughts racing through my mind. Eventually, I reached my limit and let out a scream.

"I'll come if you stop fighting!"

"Good, we'll pick you up around 7," Says Jessica smiling.

Jessica pulled Cupid along the hallway, and I could see that Cupid was relieved that the fighting was finally over.


The school became more difficult since Colby broke up with me. I can't even look at him and that's hard because we have classes together.

I walked through the empty hallways, trying to fill the void of the silence of heartbreak that fulfilled me through the worst times.

I slide down through the locker and hide my face through my knees, crying.

"Maddison?" Says Hartley.

Despite my tears, I did not respond and remained in the same spot until she bent down and picked me up. In recent days, I have not been myself.

"Do you miss Colby?" Says Hartley.

"I don't see why I should dwell on missing him. He chose to end our relationship, but I have other things to focus on at the moment."

"What is more important than Colby?" Says Hartley crossing her arms.

"My friends want to take me to the Round-Up to cheer me up, but I'm afraid that Colby and his friends might be there."

"I thought you didn't care about Colby," Says Hartley.

"Hartley, we broke up yesterday. I don't want to see him."

"Why can't you lie to them again like you did last time?" Says Hartley.

"They're not taking no for an answer that's why I need your help,"

I understand that Hartley is hesitant to take sides, especially after our breakup. She is friends with both Colby's sister and brother. However, the idea of all of us hanging out together still makes me uneasy.

"What do you have in mind?" Says Hartley.

"Could you please keep them away from the Round-Up tonight? They can come back there at any time, just not tonight."

"I don't know Maddie, that's wrong." Says Hartley.

"You can't be loyal to your sister for a moment? All I'm asking is that you keep them away for tonight."

"I'll try, I promise anything less." Says Hartley.

I wiped away my tears and embraced my sister. It was the first time I felt genuinely thankful to have her with me.


I had noticed him at school and felt the urge to talk to him, but my stubbornness held me back. Instead, I found myself lingering to observe him with his friends.

It is almost the end of the school day and I am coming to the end of my second breakdown. It wasn't my regular friends who pushed me into the janitor's closet again.


"Nice to see you too, Maddie." Says Kyle.

"I must express my displeasure with your actions of pulling me into a dark janitor's closet without warning. I must inform you that I have recently terminated my relationship with my boyfriend. Therefore, I cannot engage in pleasantries at this time. Please suck a lemon."

"So the rumors are true?" Says Kyle.

"Yeah, Colby broke up with me yesterday. Why does it matter? You're his best friend you'll probably take his side."

"Hey there, have you heard anything from Blossom about tonight?" Kyle asks, clarifying that they do not wish to take sides in any situation. I was confused. I mean, they're siblings and all, but I had no idea what he was talking about. Perhaps one of their clandestine schemes was to promote a conversation between Colby and me.

"What about tonight?"

"Jessica wanted to make it a group think so they devised a plan that would have to get you guys talking again. I'm pretty sure that the whole family is into it." Says Kyle.

"Did she mention Hartley?"

"It's possible that the girl in question is aware of the plan if her best friend is in on it. Colby was the one who came up with the idea, and I wasn't planning on telling you the truth until Blossom and he kissed. However, I ultimately decided that it was the right thing to do." Says Kyle comforting me.

Angry, I stepped out of the janitor's closet. I couldn't believe that my best friend would go to such lengths for him.


I finally found them at his locker talking with Colby's family and my sister. She's a bitch, I knew that a person that's so lovely could stoop so low for happiness.

Besides, I had to get to class, and they could easily see me standing there since they were standing right there.

I walked up to Colby and he looked excited.

One way to keep an eye on them is if I wanted to be his friend like old times before our relationship started getting messy.

"Colby, I need to talk to you,"

"Great because I need to talk to you too." Says Colby. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry for ending our relationship the way it did. I don't think that I'm a good influence since the whole villain thing and I don't want to see you in danger but I should've kept it private."

"It's okay, I wish that it didn't happen in front of your family,"

"So what's going on between us now?" Says Colby confused.

"Start off slow like we should've done,"

"Somewhere in between?"

"I guess."

"Do you wanna go get a smoothie or something?" Says Colby.

"I would love that."

He smiled towards me maybe we'll go to round-up for tacos or maybe we won't. All I know is that Oyxn guy, I don't want to answer him anymore it's not worth getting my loved ones in trouble. Even if we're not together we'll always come back to each other.

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