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Harley's POV
I wake up to my aunt knocking on the door of me and Harry's room under the stairs.
"Up, get up...... NOW" says my aunt while knocking. "Harry we gotta get up" I say waking him up. once he is awake I turn on the light while he gets his glasses then I hear my cousin running down the stairs then up again and starts jumping on a step making dust fall on me and Harry.

Harry starts getting out our room and Dudley pushes back in. Once we are out the room I tell him "you serve breakfast I'll get the mail" he nods and we go our separate ways.

I go out side and get the mail while looking through it I see an envelope for me and one for Harry. Which is strange since we don't get mail.

I walk into the house and hear Dudley causing a tantrum over there isn't the same amount of gifts as last year. I go up to my uncle and give him the mail except the ones for me and harry. "What are those" he asks me "oh um they are for me and Harry" "give them here" he demanded. I gave them to him he read them and then threw them away "hey those were for me and Harry" I told him "they were useless. Now you go be useful and tell your brother to get me more coffee" I was mad but did what he said cause I have to live with him.

An hour later...

We were out side getting in the car to go to the zoo for Dudley's birthday. When Harry was about to grab the door for me and him to get in my uncle closed the door. "I'm warning you two now any funny business, any at all, and you won't have any meals for a week. Now get in" he said to us then walking to his seat.

At the zoo...

We were looking at a snake when my cousin got mad it wasn't moving "make it move" he said. "Move" my uncle said knocking on the glass not to hard "MOVE" my cousin said knocking even harder. "He's asleep" me and my twin said at the same time "he's boring" my cousin said walking away causing his parents to walk away too. Me and Harry started to talk to the snake once they left and it seemed be understanding us.  "Mommy, dad come here! You won't believe what the snake is doing" Dudley said screamed running over to us pushing Harry to the ground.

I got mad but didn't do anything just helped Harry up " hey I know that look it's fine har" Harry told me "I know I want to do something but I can't" I told him "I know but we will be fine" he told me. I looked back at my cousin I was mad I just wish he could fall through the glass and land in that tiny pond in the cage. Right after I thought that it happened. When the glass disappeared the snake started climbing out and Dudley got scared " thanks-s" the snake said to me and Harry "anytime" Harry said. The snake started sliding away while the whole zoo started screaming and running cause of the snake. Once I was done looking at the snake I looked back at Dudley and he was trapped in the cage the glass re-appeared him and my aunt started screaming. While my uncle just death started us.

At home....

We got home and my aunt was babying Dudley like usual while my uncle was holding me and Harry by the back collarbone of our shirts. "What happened" he said pulling Harry's hair ignoring I was there " idk one minute the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic." my brother said. As soon as he finished his sentence my uncle threw us in our room or like our closet "there's no such thing as magic" he said locking us just here.

The next days...

You remember those envelopes me and Harry had got they kept coming every day and my uncle was furious cause of them he would rip them up, burn them, or just throw them away.
He was furious that today he screw the opening for the mail shut.

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