You look pretty | Natasha Romanoff

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Natalia had a lot of regrets

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Natalia had a lot of regrets. The red in her ledger was the biggest contribution to that. She was trying to make amends for the things that haunted her dreams, but there was one thing she couldn't fix, and that was her biggest regret of all.

If only she'd been braver, stronger, then things would be different. But Natalia Romanova was a coward, afraid of love, and destined to be alone.

She wish she could've told you that you were pretty, but now your body is slowly decomposing six feet under her. She wish she could've taught you one more thing, maybe if she had you could've avoided those bullets. She wish she could've hugged you, really hugged you, just once, but the closest she ever got to hold you was when your body was laying lifeless in her shaking arms.

What Natalia regrets the most, is that she never kissed you. She wanted to. Sometimes it felt as if her heart was beating in your lips, and whenever she caught you observing hers with the same intensity, she swore her lungs gave out. Your intense and profound gaze tried to lure her into its depth with promises of better. Natalia didn't deserve better.

She wanted to be better for you. She was going to take out the red once and for all. But Sokovia happened. She wasn't good enough to save you. Red wasn't only in her ledger anymore, but on her hands. And she never told you that you were pretty.

That was her biggest regret of all.

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