Chapter 12

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Hiro and his friends worked all night to repair their suits. Once they finished, it was almost two in the morning. They locked their suits in Baymax's carrier and went to bed. When they woke up the next morning, it was eight o'clock. Hiro stretched and walked towards the tv that hung on Fred's wall. He turned it on and went to sit back down.
"Breaking news," the woman on the tv said. "Downtown San Fransokyo is being attacked by two villains dressed in super suits. They are wreaking havoc throughout the town. We can only wonder, what force can stop them?"
The tv was muted and the team looked at each other.
"So?" Wasabi said. "Do we plan on going? We know how to use your powers and our suits are repaired. We can take those two."
"One of those two villains is Shadow Man," Abigail said, "who, may I remind you, beat the heck out of us and almost destroyed out suits."
"So we're just going to sit here and let them destroy San Fransokyo," Go Go said.
"Suit up," Hiro said. "We have a city to save."

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