Rhaella Pov:

Before the tourney started viserys announced "the queen started her labors" I could even focus on the tourney, I started praying to the gods that aemma has safe labor. The only thing I saw was my cunt of a twin asking my Alicent for her favor. How dare he, I saw someone tell viserys that aemma is having some complications

He gets up to go check on her and I get up too. "Sister where are you going?" He looks at me. "Where do you think idiot, I'm going to see aemma I hear what happened" I told him "no you stay here with Rhaenyra" he said. "Either I go with you or I go by myself" I told him not giving him an option because this is aemma we were talking about, if she is dying I want to be there with her. She's basically an older sister to me. "Fine you can come" he said as he started to make his way to the chambers

In the corner of my eye I saw Rhaenyra looking nervous but I ignored it and made my way to aemma. I entered the chambers and I saw aemma all sweaty, in pain, and extremely exhausted. "Ella you're supposed to be in the tourney" she said in her usual calm voice. "Aemma looked at me" I said as she looked at me. "Fuck the stupid tourney if it comes to you and you're health, I will always be at you're side okay" I tell her she nod at me before letting another push

I try to help her as much as I can telling her encouraging and sweet words to her. I see viserys talking to the healer about something but I'm too busy to know what they're saying. Viserys comes next to me and grabs me to take me to the other side of the room. "No what are you doing let me help her" I tell him as tears start running down my face

"I'm so sorry sister but it has to be done" he tells me with a sad voice. I got confused until I saw them bring the knife up to aemma's stomach and do something I know I won't forgive and forget, they cut aemma open, a ton of blood is coming out. "STOP IT YOURE KILLING HER CANT YOU SEE,  VISERYS DO SOMETHING" I scream while I'm full on sobbing and viserys does nothing about it.

Once he cut deep enough he put his old, crusty, and musty hand inside her stomach to take out the babe. Aemma's wails and cries get louder as he puts his hands deeper in her stomach. I feel like a bitch not being able to do anything but stare and cry. What felt like eternity but was only a few minutes the babes cries can be heard.

Viserys lets me go as I run up to aemma. "Hey please look at me, try and stay awake please I can lose you" I cried as I touched her face. "Ella I can't, I'm soo tired and exhausted" she tells me tiredly, just in that minute Rhaenyra burst through the door "oh my gods" she says as she walks to her mother. "Rhaenyra I love you remember that and rhaella I'm so lucky to have someone like you at my side" aemma said as she took her last breath and just second after her, baelon also had passed


I go to my chambers as fast as I can, I don't want to hear my poor excuse of my brother trying to "explain" why he did it, I know he just wanted a fucking heir well guess he didn't only lost his heir but his wife too. I got to my chambers closed the door and let out my tears, I couldn't stop. I heard the door open and heard the person run up to me and hugged me I started fighting but once I noticed it was Alicent I stopped and relaxed in her arms.

"It hurts so much ali, losing someone that I looked up as a sister and my stupid brother just killed her for a-a stupid heir" I tell her as I held her tightly. "I'm so sorry Rhaella if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always available, but let's get you ready for the funeral okay" she tells me and I nod my head. She helps me take a bath to get the blood off and pick out a dress. I put it on and we make our way where the ceremony is taking place.

Her dress:

Before we join the rest I stop Alicent "hey I just wanted to tell you thank you" I thank her

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Before we join the rest I stop Alicent "hey I just wanted to tell you thank you" I thank her. "no problem when ever you need someone I'm always here okay" she replied as I nod. We made our way and Alicent stayed by my side holding my hand as we each the bodies of my sister and my nephew. We wait until Rhaenyra says to syrax "dracarys" but before that her and daemon were talking to each other in high valyrian.

Once their bodies were burned one by one people started to leave, I stayed staring at the burned bodies it was getting dark and then Alicent came back  "Hey let's get you to your chamber so you can rest okay" she tells me and I nod. We make our way to my chamber, guards open the door and I change into my nightwear and get into bed. Alicent was about to leave so I called her name. "Alicent" she stops and turns around. "Can you um stay with me tonight please" I asked her

"Yeah sure" she agrees. "If you want you can borrow one of my nightwear so you can sleep more comfortably" I tell her as she goes to change. Once she changes she joins me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and I could see her cheeks heating up. "Goodnight darling" I said as I was drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight rhaella" she replied. We stayed like that the whole night.


Another chapter done ✅👍🏻
Don't forget to comment and vote my loves 🌹
Xoxo gossip girl 😉

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